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Cultivated Reef

.7G tank with Clowns and Tangs.


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What would you say if you saw a tank, probably not even a gallon with about 2 blue tangs, and 2 clowns with some other fish in it? WHAT WOULD U THINK!? Well i went to the LFS today and the poor things were crammed like I dont know what! I wanted to buy one to get it out but the tangs were expensive, and I'm still in my cycle. Plus, my tank is only 10G, the tangs were small though. Still....

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Thats awful....still you couldn't buy one...i would love to get a tang too...bu also am stuck with a 10 gallon. You should tell the owner what he/she is doing and don't shop there becasue it shows that they don't know how to care for fish.

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You know that is just like the crappy little petstores at the mall... you want to buy a dog (neglected and way over priced) just to get it out of there, but if you do, you will just encourage it. My suggestion is to not buy ANYTHING from the store. Obviouisly they don't know what they are doing anyway.


That is a good way to know what kind of fish store it is. If it is a good one they will warn you about setting up a nano and the responsibilities/risks you take with one. A crappy one will tell you that you can keep anything in that little tank because when it dies, you will be back spending another $20 at their store... and of course if you ask them whats wrong they will give you some BS story about what YOU did wrong. This is their equation...


ignorant customer + nano tank = crapload of $$$$$


"yes of course you can keep that 12" $200 fish in your 5g tank, if it dies we will even give you 5% off the next one."

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I pitty da foo! go in there and tell them that what their doing is totaly irresponsible and unethical. Then if thhey dont change their ways, about once a week make a poster board that says: "This store abuses their animals" and slap one up every saturday by the door.

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nemo, was the tank plumbed into a bigger system?


i know at my LFS they have a whole row of tiny 'cubicles' with small fish in them (grammas, gobies, baby lions, clowns, everything) but each one is in its own little compartment and each one is connected to the next by a cut out section (with mesh covering) so that each tank has flow, and then all the cubicles are plumbed into their main system. it LOOKS bad until you realise that they are really in one massive tank with little dividers to stop them getting their fins ripped by bigger fish...


maybe your LFS had something like this set up??


but if they were all together in one tiny system then it sounds pretty dodgy, what state is it in? u could ring your local RSPCA and see if they know what can be done about it. or just ask the LFS why they are all in there?

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That’s what you call an irresponsible fish store (don't know s@#$ about what they got). If they don't know how to care for an animal, then they should not buy it from the breeders. You should go in there just to piss them off (don't buy anything). Grab an item then go to the counter then an soon as they ring it up say never mind and walk out, lol :P.

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