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Cultivated Reef

Need stocking ideas for BTA dominant 12G/22G long


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I'm curious if anyone has any input on fish stocking. Right now I have 3 Flaming Prawn Gobies and an Occ. Clownfish (gladiator pattern), eventually I would like to get something like a misbar clown to go with her, but beyond the clown pair and more FPG (I would like a big group like 10 or so) I am unsure. (Current tank is a 12G long, wouldn't add more than a clownfish to make my pair until I swap up to the 22 later in the year.)

I've thought about things like (just ideas, not a stocking plan!) an African Flameback dwarf angel, a pair of Bangaii Cardinals to try to breed, a pair or trio of Helfrichi or Purple Firefish, a Royal Gramma, a gold assessor, but I am just unsure how any of these would do in a BTA dominant display. I will probably keep my acans at least so there will be a little LPS as well. Any ideas would be welcome. B)

(copied from tank thread in sig to this area.)

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You're at critter critical mass in that tank, if not overstocked. African Flameback angels are relatively reef safe, there is ALWAYS the possibility that they'll start nipping corals and especially clams. I haven't seen ANY dwarf angel that would turn down a clam snack.

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I copy pasted this post from my tank thread, so let me clarify real quick; I'm not worried about nutrient levels (will be adding a Simplicity DC120 Skimmer+10G sump this month). The prawn gobies have literally zero impact on a tank this size, so the only fish I'm counting is my clown. Even at 10 FPG I doubt that comes to the same bioload level as an adult clownfish, and 3 is such a small impact it's negligible.


I think eventually I would like to do at minimum a clown pair and my gobies, and then I would consider adding more fish down the road after that, so I'm looking at a roughly 6-8 month from now timeline. I'm also going to swap my 12G long to a 22G long possibly over summer, if not then then sometime mid fall, so I'm planning with that in mind. So to be honest I'm not sure I would have anything more than a clown pair in the 12. Also no plans to add clams so I'm not too concerned with that factor, I did think about maybe doing a Maxima eventually but I would be more concerned about BTAs moving and harming it.


TL;DR version: 12G long now, 22G long later in the year, would not have 5 fish in the 12. Most in the 12 would be a clown pair+flaming prawn goby group. Other fish would be for the 22. I've updated the OP to reflect that change.

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