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Innovative Marine Aquariums

30 High Peninsula Tank


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So, i have been a member on here for a good while, yet i haven't posted anything in forever. Last tank i had was a random and interesting experiment that didn't get though out very well. After many lessons learned and countless amount of dollars spent, i can say i have learned a good deal. Anyways, on to the good stuff. I wanted to build a tank, wasn't sure what but i wanted something bigger then the 7.5 gallon i had that had begun to get over filed with corals and didn't give me much room to add more fish. So i ended up getting a 30 tall tank. I didn't want to build the traditional thank with all the rock leaning against the back wall and pretty much getting stuck with a rock wall. I ended up going with a peninsula looking tank.


here is a picture of it from the smaller side, "and yes i know, there is a tang in there"



Don't mind the algae on the other open side, its for the snails too feed.


As you can see i went with a very open area up top and added a rock system through the middle with lots of small caves for the fish to swim in and out of. This also allowed me to add a lot of corals, because of the very different amounts of insolation that affect the tank.






A few Zoas



Random Torch






a couple hard corals



and my nem

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Welcome back! I recently started posting again after quite a while. How long has your 30 tall been setup? The SPS looks great! I like the torch too. Does the clown host the RBTA?

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Coming up on a year in May, but thanks put a lot of work into the set up and now mostly leting it ride Lul the clown host some of the armor of God palys and doesn't seam to want to leave:(

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Such an interesting concept, I never would have thought of a 30XH as a penisula tank. So tall and thin, I consider them a challenge to scape. (I started with a 30XH as a seahorse tank). If I were to use mine again I am pretty sure I would have a DSB in it. I did hate being wet to my arm pits when I cleaned it, ha ha!

You have some beautiful coral that are doing very well. I will be following.

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  • 2 months later...

Haven't updated in while, i have been really busy with school and work and the tank has been running on cruse control for the last few months. There has been a lot of growth since my last update, and i have been slowly adding more and more corals.



a nice pocillopora i picked up a few days ago.



My green birds nest has really taken off and grown



my red planet has grown a lot as well as turned a nice shade of red, purple, and green



my green and purple cat paw stylo has been really coloring up and adjusting


A few pics of my LPS







And a few of my zoas










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  • 1 month later...


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