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would my clown host in this?


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It's really hard to tell b/c clowns will host in a lot of stuff... however, I would be hesitant to put that in my tank... Not only will it create a dead zone in your tank under the huge "foot", but it's artificial. Unless it is created from plastics with a certain rating, it could eventually leech "stuff" into your water. Sure they might host in it, but after the cost of shipping, why not invest in the real thing?

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I have a similar one at the shop i work at...... It's not that great and i doubt your clown would actually host it. It's pretty supple yet feels nothing like a real one. It'll just stand out like a soar thumb in your tank. I say..... forgetAboutIt!

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Clowns are attracted by the chemicals that are on the anemone. It would not "host" in it. It may like to be around it, but without the coating he won't truely "host". Clowns will only host in certian anemones by species. Most will never host in a condi. I have seen a damsel host on a real elephant ear, but that is rare.

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I have heard of people using cush (sp?) balls with some success... This was years ago though before anemones became cheaper and more readily available. I assume this would work in a similiar way. But I don't think I would put it in my tank.


Remember that anemone's get big. BTAs included. Mine could easily stretch to over 12 inches across, filling up the better part of 2/3rds of my 15g tank. After 3 years or so the anemone died, and I think that is much longer than many people's "success" keeping anemone's. With the anemone gone my corals are now flourishing and my clown has taken up residence in a grouping of candy cane corals. I would be hesitant to add another anomone.

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