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JBJ 28gal LED Pro Lighting upgrade kits, are they avail?


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I've had the JBJ LED pro for about a year and a half and i've absolutly hated the stock lighting. Very dissapointed in this model. I used to have the old nanotuners custom 150hqi with actinics and that tank rocked.


The LED pro seems to bleach everything and there is very little to no coral growth and it's way too bright and white.


I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to LEDs but can follow basic instructions. I've owned LED fixtures especially in the grow room but i've never had to tinker with them so building something from scratch is kind of out the question as its all like reading chinese to me. I'm sure I could figure it out doing a lot of research but i'd be starting from square one.


More or less looking for something plug and play with dimmable drivers.


I got excited when I found this site and $200 is sort of in my price range http://www.nanotuner.com/contents/en-us/d4_JBJ_LED_DIY.html


but after a few minutes of looking at the site they really didn't look like the nano tuners I used to know and love so I googled them and found a link back to this site with everyone saying they stole pics, aren't the original nano tuners ect ect.


This giant wall of text aside, does anyone know of any reputable custom kits for the 28gal led pro model? Preferably pre assmbled bars where all i'd have to do is unplug the old drivers and bars and plug in the new ones and mount it?

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Ok I finally found steves site. http://shop.stevesleds.com/Nanocube-28-LED-Light-System-Extreme-SPS-Custom-8794102490.htm


leaning toward the 12k JMB special @~ $240 if I assemble it myself. Having difficulty locating the downloadable instructions that he says are available on the product page. Trying to decide if I'd do it myself or bite the bullet and pay the $84 to have it pre assembled though it's already creeping out of my price range at the 240

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Steve's systems are TOP NOTCH systems. I've owned 2 of their 99% systems and I can't recommend them highly enough. Easy to assemble, easy to program and will grow anything you put under them. These were on Red Sea 130D tanks. When I find an RSM250 they will be my choice lighting system.


I'm going to give Nanobox a shot this time around on my 12g. I know Dave also does retrofits, might want to pick his brain a little bit.

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