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Clown Goby


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I work at the LFS so I get first dibs on fish. 2 clown gobies came in today but they werent yellow like you see on here. They were a pale orange/pink. Im not even sure if they were clown gobies, I have a feeling they were something else.


I was talking to my boss about them and he said they were finiky eaters. Is that true?

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Originally posted by Xx_de_xX

I think it's rediculous that LFS employees get first dibs.



I think it's even more rediculous that the LFS employees don't know what kind of fish it is or how to care for it.

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Originally posted by qualudethunder

I think it's even more rediculous that the LFS employees don't know what kind of fish it is or how to care for it.

I think its MORE rediculous that you cant read.. We are used to clown gobies being yellow and we get green clown gobies sometimes too. These must be sick. They look just like the yellow clown gobies that I see all over these forums but they are a pale orange/pink.

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Thats exactly what it was.. A rusty clown goby.


Originally posted by Six-Line


I probably have more experiance than alot of people on this forum. Forgive me if I see a fish that looks off color and I dont know what it is. :)

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Originally posted by Tballa

Get it, they seem to be rare. I'd never seen one before I looked on that site. I bet the haters didn't know it was that!

Its obvious they didnt since they didnt offer any help. :D


Its only like $10 too. Its a cool ass little fish. About an inch, maybe smaller. My reef isnt ready yet though. :(

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See if they will let you keep it there until yours is. If you pay for it, maybe it can be placed in another tank or a holding tank in the back.

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yah, try to find a way too get it. They are cool, rare, and thats cheap! Clown gobies are cool, I love my green clown. What are you planning on feeding them? I'd go with frozen brine or mysis, cuz they are carnivores. Hope you get it.

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I'll see what I can do. My 44 gallon tank needs to me emptied and moved upstairs. Then I can start building my reef but I also need to save up some money. Im putting a ton of money into my car right now so I wont be able to start the reef until October. Maybe ill buy him and put him in my 44g for now. I have a velvet damsel and a clownfish.. I have been slacking like crazy on my water changes since they are both damsel fish.

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"Im not even sure if they were clown gobies, I have a feeling they were something else."


Is that what you say to your customers when they want to buy a fish? I can read just fine.


"We are used to clown gobies being yellow and we get green clown gobies sometimes too. These must be sick."


Yeah this is where I want to be buying my fish. Rare? uhh brown and or rust clown gobies go for like 10 bucks around these parts. Yes clown gobies come in more than 2 colors.

Are you huffing your NOS or something? Jeez. A LFS employee should not have to ask such questions.

I could go on quoting your statments all night but it's pretty obvious already that you are not qualified to work in this field. By the way this is not an advanced topic.

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Not qualified to work in the field? Didnt realize you needed a degree to do water changing and bagging fish up.. Most of the people that come in the store ask to deal with me. Sorry if I dont recognize one fish. I have only been working there for the summer so far. When I started, our salt tanks were had just finished the cycle. We didnt have anything but damsels at the time.


Im 17. I just sold my 125 gallon FOWLR which was a reef before that. I paid for everything. The first thing I kept when I started in this hobby was dwarf seahorses and I also had a tank with hippocampus kuda. Thats a seahorse if you didnt know. I water changed weekly, and had both tanks running flawlessly for 3 years. This was back when I was 11 by the way. The seahorses died when my parents had a few rooms redone. I didnt realize how far dust from dry wall and spackle could travel.


So pop a few more qualude and keep quoting me.

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Originally posted by Tballa

Noonan, keep giving it to him. If I lived by you, I'd deal with you and your fish store.

Lol! I'd hook you up with a discount too. lol. :D

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Originally posted by qualudethunder

A LFS employee should not have to ask such questions.

I could go on quoting your statments all night but it's pretty obvious already that you are not qualified to work in this field.


How do you expect them to expand their knowledge on the subject? If I ask someone and they aren't sure and have to ask someone else, I respect that a lot more then feeding me bs about it.

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Look dude... I don't care if you said you owned an f'n sperm whale. Anybody can say (brag) about what they've "kept" in the past. I let actions speak for themselves. So you can talk all the crap you want about what you "used" to have. Now go fetch me 2 dozen crickets and 3 pinkies son. And make it snappy my gobie is turning brown.

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Originally posted by qualudethunder

Look dude... I don't care if you said you owned an f'n sperm whale. Anybody can say (brag) about what they've "kept" in the past. I let actions speak for themselves. So you can talk all the crap you want about what you "used" to have. Now go fetch me 2 dozen crickets and 3 pinkies son. And make it snappy my gobie is turning brown.


Hahaha ure funny...now shut the hell up!

No one wants to hear it. He asked a legit question and ure all over him for trying to learn about a type of fish he has never seen before. When you can look at every kind of fish that comes in and out of and LFS and how to care for it then come back and start flaming people. Until then sit down and shut up.

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I don't work at a fish store... thats the point. Otherwise I Definatley WOULD know every fish that came in and out of the shop. I would however have researched it on my own and found the answer in like 5 minutes if I didn't know what it was. See that and you only have to use your little brain for like 5 whole minutes too! Isn't that amazing?

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Why don't you pull the stick out your A$$, and get a life. I bet you just been sitting around all day waiting for him to write on here just so you could bash him. If you don't like it then don't go to the store he works at. Who made you the f'n god of reefing?

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Maybe you dont work at an lfs for a reason?

#1) You dont listen well so ill say it again sit down and shut up

#2) Your an @ss hole and i wouldnt even let you bag my fish


I didnt see you comming up with an answer you just doged this guy for asking a question. And get you #### straight, maybe he has better things to do then scour google all day looking for a type of fish. He clearly posted this on here to get a quick response so he wouldnt have to sit in front of the computer for 5 mins looking up fish. i believe that is what this forum is for. So quit making an ass out of your self and shut up.

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