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Coral Vue Hydros

Ich and Quarantine tank


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So it looks like my tank or fish has some serious ich just starting. It started with flasher wrasse having some then going away. Now the wrasse and one of my clowns is some what covered with ich.


I know some people put them into quarintine tanks and treat them with cuppermine or whatever its called.


Looking for best way to treat the fish/tank.


First i want to try to treat the fish in the tank to get rid of it or do i take the fish out and put it into a quarintine tank.



If i need a qurantine tank, how do i make one?


Do i get a small 10g and fill it with some of main display water and maybe use the sponge that is in my filtartion for bacteria.


my tank is a 38g nuvo.


not sure which route i should go with.


Help and reccomendations would be great.

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A QT Tank is very easy to set up. a 10 gall would be fine with a heater, HOB filter and a power head. Start it up with water from your nuvo and then change water often.


Your are right on track with using one of your sponges in your current filtration for bacteria.


I also recommend an Ammonia button so that you have a quick check.

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My in-laws had a pretty bad ich outbreak in their 190g tank. They treated the entire tank and it mostly cleared up. What finally finished the ich off was a freshwater dip for each fish. About 5-7 minutes for smaller fish, and 12-15min for the larger wrasse and batfish they have

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Jedimasterben here recommended using new life spectrum's ich shield powder at double dose. That's what I did to my new Royal gramma who I confirmed has ich. NLS ich shield is chloroquine. It is a much gentler med than cupramine and doesn't stick to your equipments like cupramine does. It's also very much less harsh on invertebrates. I bought it even though I already had cupramine and a copper test kit because I was afraid I'd dose cupramine wrong and kill the already sick fish. Another problem with cupramine is you cannot use prime or any other ammonia neutralizing agent which means you have to keep very good eye on your ammonia and do frequent water changes.


I'd suggest treating all your fish. Put an air pump in the QT to make sure it's well oxygenated. If you only have 3 fish a 10G may be tight so you'll have to be careful or get a bigger tank. I'd use new water just so you can eliminate any ich in the free floating stage. I dosed ich shield at 1x the dose the first day, then the 2nd dose the next day. I suppose you can add 2x dose all at once but I was scared.


Treatment is for 21 days. After that I'd do water change and add carbon to remove the med. then leave the fish in for another 60 days to make sure they're free of ich. By then your DT should be fishless for about 90 days (leave the inverts in!) without fish to attach themselves onto ich will starve to death by the 90th there's a very high chance all ich has died. If you're afraid you can always wait longer before putting your fish back in.

After that you may want to keep the quarantine tank running for any new fish too.

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it seems as if things might be stressed in your tank with your BTA not doing so well and fish having ich. Be careful not to treat with traditional ich meds in your DT tank with inverts and corals in there.


Dandelion makes some very good suggestions.

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Please Help,

I have a 29 gallon bio cube for 10 months now.

After cycle I bought 2 clown fish they were doing great.

After a a month or two I bought a Royal Gramma that I did not quarantine.

A few days later I saw white spots on her, I treated the tank with Ich out which didn't work. She died two days later.

Then I started seeing white spots on my clowns, they both died a week later.

I left my bio cube fallow for 12 to 13 weeks and started again.

I bought two clowns again and a few days later bought another Royal gramma.

Same thing happened with the gramma, but I didn't see any spots on the clowns.

I put them all in a quarantine tank, lowered salinity to .9 the gramma died a few days later.

The clowns are doing fine and eating well.

It's been 2 weeks now in quarantine and I haven't seen any spots on them at all.

I'm having a hard time with ph, nitrites and nitrates I'm doing water changes to try and keep parameters close to what they should be.

I'm not sure if my clowns have Ich and I'm worried that the quarantine will hurt or kill them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I would like to be on the right track and enjoy my tank.

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Please Help,

I have a 29 gallon bio cube for 10 months now.

After cycle I bought 2 clown fish they were doing great.

After a a month or two I bought a Royal Gramma that I did not quarantine.

A few days later I saw white spots on her, I treated the tank with Ich out which didn't work. She died two days later.

Then I started seeing white spots on my clowns, they both died a week later.

I left my bio cube fallow for 12 to 13 weeks and started again.

I bought two clowns again and a few days later bought another Royal gramma.

Same thing happened with the gramma, but I didn't see any spots on the clowns.

I put them all in a quarantine tank, lowered salinity to .9 the gramma died a few days later.

The clowns are doing fine and eating well.

It's been 2 weeks now in quarantine and I haven't seen any spots on them at all.

I'm having a hard time with ph, nitrites and nitrates I'm doing water changes to try and keep parameters close to what they should be.

I'm not sure if my clowns have Ich and I'm worried that the quarantine will hurt or kill them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I would like to be on the right track and enjoy my tank.

I think you're missing the point of quarantine... You're supposed to quarantine new fish before adding them to the display tank to avoid the infection of other fish.


As for your clowns, to be effective the hypo treatment should probably continue another week or 2. Are they showing signs of distress? Why do you think they won't survive the treatment?


Remember that when you increase the salinity back to normal do it gradually over several days.

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Thanks for your advice.

I didn't quarantine because the second time buying fish I bought from a trusted source.

I guess I was wrong about that! I will quarantine any new fish I buy from now on.

I am worried about the clowns because the ph gets low and nitrite and nitrates go up.

I do water changes once a week and clean out the waste from the bottom of tank.

Also put new floss in hob.

Is there any thing else I can do to help with the parameters?

After two more weeks how many points a day should I bring the salinity up to be safe?

Thanks again, discussing the situation makes me feel not so nervous.

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