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2.5 Pico reef with HOB fuge

New to reefing so I guess I am going to try and blog my adventure into a new hobby. I have had a nano before years ago I am going to try again basically remembering nothing from my past venture I will being going into this one fresh and noob. I have already messed a bunch of stuff up along the way but I will f**k my way up to a successful reef :) I guess the point of this is to get livestock ideas and general feedback on my tank



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Great! Post up some pics and an equipment list and we can get started. Have any water parameters?


For such a small tank if you want fish find the smallest goby you can :)

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Great! Post up some pics and an equipment list and we can get started. Have any water parameters?


For such a small tank if you want fish find the smallest goby you can :)


thanks for the quick reply. I posted a pic of the front view I plan on uploading pics of the back and fuge.

As far as parameters go I haven't been testing, at first I wasn't going to test and kinda just wing it but I have since decided against that decision and will being getting a test kit ASAP (any recommendations?) I would like to get a goby but I'm not sure if I will because the tank is open and I'm afraid of him jumping but I'm am still open to one if I can find one that can't really jump if there is such a thing. I also forgot to mention the lfs I got my setup from really pushed a cuc on me he gave me a bunch of mini start fish three hermits ( two blue dotted and one scarlet and a turbo sail who didn't make it because I assume of high ammonia. I am seeing some diatoms so I assume the cycle is on its way I hope.


2.5g tank I don't remember the brand

Rio 180 water pump

.2g hang on back rufugium with cheato and live rock (65k diy cfl fixture)

National geographic led (lol) I bought it cause it was cheap but it has 2 10k LEDs and a blue white and red blue so it's temporary I plan on upgrading to a nano box or something better also open to recommendations

about 4.5lbs of live rock

fine sand

Cheap little purple heater that's set at 78*


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Sigh ?


A fish store worth your time will never push a cuc on you when a tank is cycling. My advice as well, never put a turbo snail in that small of a system. If you don't catch them dying, they will cause an ammonia spike and crash your tank. Don't add any live animals, cuc included until a cycle is complete.


Test kits are vital, especially if you ate a beginner. API is okay for ammonia and nitrite. However, i highly recommend spending the money on quality test kits for calcium, magnesium, nitrate, phosphate, and carbonate hardness. With a small system you may be able to get away with only water changes for your trace elements. However, if you got the cash, get the test kits.


This hobby isn't cheap. But trust me, it's a lot more expensive when you skimp out on equipment, and then have to buy better equipment later. Good luck. Will be following.

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Sigh ?


A fish store worth your time will never push a cuc on you when a tank is cycling. My advice as well, never put a turbo snail in that small of a system. If you don't catch them dying, they will cause an ammonia spike and crash your tank. Don't add any live animals, cuc included until a cycle is complete.


Test kits are vital, especially if you ate a beginner. API is okay for ammonia and nitrite. However, i highly recommend spending the money on quality test kits for calcium, magnesium, nitrate, phosphate, and carbonate hardness. With a small system you may be able to get away with only water changes for your trace elements. However, if you got the cash, get the test kits.


This hobby isn't cheap. But trust me, it's a lot more expensive when you skimp out on equipment, and then have to buy better equipment later. Good luck. Will be following.

Lol I agree I won't be going back. I was Googley-eyed when I was in there I was only thinking off pure endorphins Lol the owner seemed desperate and even offered me a pair of mature paired clown fish and even someone as dumb and eager as me looked at the guy and said "two clown fish in here?" Lol I digress. I plan on picking up test kit ASAP and the snail already died there is three hermit crabs that seem like they will make it but they aren't exactly looking so hot either. I didn't really want them in the first place. From The tiny amount of reading I did before I went to the store I decided I wanted to do a fish less cycle but he claimed I have a source of ammonia for bacteria to feed off of. From further reading I have seen that that was obviously the wrong decision but you live and you learn. Should I take out the hermits or let them ride it out I don't have to place to put them so I don't really see an other option but in all honesty I wanted to get something a bit rarer or cooler to look at once my cycle is over. How long do hermit crabs generally last lol. I don't want to sound like I hate the things but am I stuck with them lol?!
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I also thought I should mention that I do plan on upgrading to a slightly bigger tank like 5-8g with a sump that I may or may not transfer or just keep two set ups in about 6months or so with that being said I would like to try some Hardier sps that I could get try and get good at growing and possibly transfer to my future tank. I plan on upgrading my lights here in the next couple Months but does any one know if my light will suffice sps until then The bulbs are 10k led Thought? Feedback? Recommendations? Am I crazy? Will it work? Or is it impossible? I like monitpora and would also like get into acros but will wait on new light for those am I just to much of a noob? I am a bit ambitious lol :) I'm also thinking for possible livestock ideas: a couple of sexy shrimp a couple of bumble bee shrimp blue coral banded shrimp and maybe a Alpheus randalli (Randallis Pistol Shrimp) and a small goby or maybe a yellow stripe cling or pipe fish I will do more research but all in all in thinking 4-5invertebrates and one fish:) is this overstock? what are some people opinions

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People with smaller tanks can help you on stocking options. I'm not sure, but I have had my hermits for over a year and they are getting bigger still. They can live a while. I would guess that they make it through the cycle, although I feel bad for them.


A cycle should ALWAYS be without the introduction of a live animal. Seems like you know this now. When adding live rock that is already cured, you are likely not to encounter much of a cycle, as there will be little die off from the store, to your house. With dead rock, you will want a source of ammonia to kick off the cycle. You can get bottles of this.


Don't get ahead of yourself. Patience is KEY when starting a reef aquarium. It can't be done overnight. I added my first corals after 3 months. Get your water cycled, stable, and really learn what type of water SPS corals need. Calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium. As far as the light, I would wait until you upgrade. Get something full spectrum. It could work for low light SPS, but I digress. Get your water as stable as possible, and then you will be ready to add stuff. It's a lot more fun adding coral knowing it will survive, instead of winging it.

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People with smaller tanks can help you on stocking options. I'm not sure, but I have had my hermits for over a year and they are getting bigger still. They can live a while. I would guess that they make it through the cycle, although I feel bad for them.


A cycle should ALWAYS be without the introduction of a live animal. Seems like you know this now. When adding live rock that is already cured, you are likely not to encounter much of a cycle, as there will be little die off from the store, to your house. With dead rock, you will want a source of ammonia to kick off the cycle. You can get bottles of this.


Don't get ahead of yourself. Patience is KEY when starting a reef aquarium. It can't be done overnight. I added my first corals after 3 months. Get your water cycled, stable, and really learn what type of water SPS corals need. Calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium. As far as the light, I would wait until you upgrade. Get something full spectrum. It could work for low light SPS, but I digress. Get your water as stable as possible, and then you will be ready to add stuff. It's a lot more fun adding coral knowing it will survive, instead of winging it.

okay so get a test kit and go slow. Patience is s virtue ✌
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I also run a 2.5 mystery brand lol here is my line up for equipment and livestock line up:


2.5g no name aquarium

rio power head (probably what you have it was the smallest they made)

wave point 50/50 12w led(about to replace with a PAR30 led bulb, I recommend for upgraded light)

tunze Auto Top Off( yes its 100$ but given the issue with evap. you will have its a must)

a small rio sun blue led light for moonlight.

a random used heater my LFS guy gave me for free that is none adjustable and generally a pain.

2.5LBS of liverock, and some suger sand.



royal gramma( he will go into a bigger tank when he get a little bigger)

2 blue strip hermits

1 bumble bee snail

1 astrae snail

and my first frag ever!!!!! some purple zoa's


I will be adding a fuge soon


I use seachem tests they seam to be accurate and reasonably priced.

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I also run a 2.5 mystery brand lol here is my line up for equipment and livestock line up:


2.5g no name aquarium

rio power head (probably what you have it was the smallest they made)

wave point 50/50 12w led(about to replace with a PAR30 led bulb, I recommend for upgraded light)

tunze Auto Top Off( yes its 100$ but given the issue with evap. you will have its a must)

a small rio sun blue led light for moonlight.

a random used heater my LFS guy gave me for free that is none adjustable and generally a pain.

2.5LBS of liverock, and some suger sand.



royal gramma( he will go into a bigger tank when he get a little bigger)

2 blue strip hermits

1 bumble bee snail

1 astrae snail

and my first frag ever!!!!! some purple zoa's


I will be adding a fuge soon


I use seachem tests they seam to be accurate and reasonably priced.

hey man thanks for the feedback I like your style lol. Where are you getting your light bulb from? I have the cash to get something better I just don't know what yet I like the nanobox and I like the kessil and I hear good things about the ai nano one I'm just not sure what to get.


And I don't think I will be adding an ato simply because I want to keep the low tech feel on my tank but will eventually get one once I get a sump set up. My girlfriend hates how bulky my tank is already lol but eventually I will get a stand and sump right now my tank sits on my kitchen counter

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Hey today is a awesome day I am seeing a diatom bloom although it is small it wasn't there a couple days ago I would know because I have been obsessively and religiously staring at my tank lol. But I did have a snail that died rotted when I went to remove him from the tank his remains slide out of his shell and to the bottom of my tank. I tried to get the remaining contents out with my hand but all I did was smash him into millions of little pieces in my effort to pull his corpse out of the tank and well I don't extacly know how else to say it but... His guts are now scattered acrossed the sand bed floor.


Should I remove the guts or let the bacteria do its thing and use it as a source of nitrogen. It will be a bitch to remove because I don't have a siphon yet and this tiny little chunks Is this too much nitrogen for my 2.5g or should I just leave it alone and let nature take its course



What appear to be diatoms on the live rock

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Hey today is a awesome day I am seeing a diatom bloom although it is small it wasn't there a couple days ago I would know because I have been obsessively and religiously staring at my tank lol. But I did have a snail that died rotted when I went to remove him from the tank his remains slide out of his shell and to the bottom of my tank. I tried to get the remaining contents out with my hand but all I did was smash him into millions of little pieces in my effort to pull his corpse out of the tank and well I don't extacly know how else to say it but... His guts are now scattered acrossed the sand bed floor.


Should I remove the guts or let the bacteria do its thing and use it as a source of nitrogen. It will be a bitch to remove because I don't have a siphon yet and this tiny little chunks Is this too much nitrogen for my 2.5g or should I just leave it alone and let nature take its course



What appear to be diatoms on the live rock


I'd just let nature take it's course. A snail isn't much.

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the bulb im getting is a PAR30 LED bulb it is essentially a light bulb that you can screw into a regular socket it has 5 3w led's 2 blue and 3 white. ive herd good things bout them especially for pico's. I plan to use my'n in a regular clamp on desk light ill post pics as soon as I get it. cost me 12$ on ebay you can also get the m on amazon




and yeah ato can be kinda bulky if you get yourself a little stand you could keep the reservoir on the bottom and run all cords and hoses behind it to hide it.


Unfortunately without an ato you may not be able to leave for more than like 36 hours without the salinity going through the roof and potentially killing all your lifestock. Fish may survive but inverts (especially corals) get very sensitive to salinity swings.


Also look into a basic timer for your light.

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Yes once I get a stand I plan on getting an ato system but until the I will be topping off with fresh water. Right now I'm adding about 100ml a day of rodi water from my lfs due to evaporation I assume I s that good or bad or just right? I'll be getting a test kit and refractometer here in about a week and will post my parameters. I have some timers I need to setup right now I'm about 10-12day into my cycle.

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Yes once I get a stand I plan on getting an ato system but until the I will be topping off with fresh water. Right now I'm adding about 100ml a day of rodi water from my lfs due to evaporation I assume I s that good or bad or just right? I'll be getting a test kit and refractometer here in about a week and will post my parameters. I have some timers I need to setup right now I'm about 10-12day into my cycle.


Evap rate is just whatever it is really. As long as you aren't getting big swings in salinity it's not a problem. Some people put fans on the water as a way of increasing the evaporation rate and cool the tanks down.


If you want to reduce the evap rate, putting a lid on the tank helps. I have one on my 3 gallon, but it's mostly to help keep dust out, as I live in the desert and there is lots of dust in the air.


As long as you are topping it off daily, I'm guessing you are probably fine. If you miss a day or 2, that's likely when you'll have trouble.

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Evap rate is just whatever it is really. As long as you aren't getting big swings in salinity it's not a problem. Some people put fans on the water as a way of increasing the evaporation rate and cool the tanks down.


If you want to reduce the evap rate, putting a lid on the tank helps. I have one on my 3 gallon, but it's mostly to help keep dust out, as I live in the desert and there is lots of dust in the air.


As long as you are topping it off daily, I'm guessing you are probably fine. If you miss a day or 2, that's likely when you'll have trouble.


Awesome thanks for the advice ?

I wouldn't mind a lid but I would have to diy one

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Awesome thanks for the advice

I wouldn't mind a lid but I would have to diy one


I just put a square piece of acrylic over mine. It's not the prettiest thing, but it works and since it's clear it's really not much of an eye sore.


Someday I hope to cut out a notch for my AQ70 and maybe round the corners in the front to match my tank.


Main thing that sucks about it is that it bows everyday and I have to keep flipping it over. so anything I do will have to be symmetrical.

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when i was just topping off manually i just made sure i new where the water line was to begin with. then just fill it back up to that line. I thought of putting an acrylic lid on it but i here that may hinder gas exchange. You could put a top on it and then put an air pump in but theys kinda noisy

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when i was just topping off manually i just made sure i new where the water line was to begin with. then just fill it back up to that line. I thought of putting an acrylic lid on it but i here that may hinder gas exchange. You could put a top on it and then put an air pump in but theys kinda noisy



good to know I would have never thought about the gas exchange. Why aren't bigger thanks with lids hindered? More water more gas exchange?

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Right now I am manually toping of my tank. I add the same amount every day and so far my salinity is spot on. I have an ATO just have not hooked it up yet. Since I have a BIoCube it does have a top which limits evap.

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ha thats a good question its just what i always herd. please someone chim in on this but i figure gas exchange adds oxygen and releases nitrogen if im not mistaken. bigger tanks with hoods usually have skimmers and other filtration devices for removing nutrients. Also they are usually running a large sump that is open to the air.

what are you using for that HOB fuge btw

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ha thats a good question its just what i always herd. please someone chim in on this but i figure gas exchange adds oxygen and releases nitrogen if im not mistaken. bigger tanks with hoods usually have skimmers and other filtration devices for removing nutrients. Also they are usually running a large sump that is open to the air.

what are you using for that HOB fuge btw






rio 180 for a pump

I got some rubber tubing as a seal

Cut down the piping to fit my tank


I need to clean out my fuge take out the live rock lol


At some point I would like to make mini fuge display


Any ideas or recommendations?

I want something that's pretty to look at and also helps with filtration that won't take over my tank



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