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I'm sure it's not GSP


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Went to LFS yesterday to purposely pick up some GSP.


They swore up and down it was GSP, but I really do t think it looks the same. For one it looks a lot more dense with polyps and it doesn't look like GSP when it's closed up. Any ideas what this could be?

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<a href="http://s1376.photobucket.com/user/jongilmusician/media/6824E26D-F37F-4040-8CB1-40D84A2947CB_zpsmqbohcy0.jpg.html"target="_blank"><img src="http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah29/jongilmusician/6824E26D-F37F-4040-8CB1-40D84A2947CB_zpsmqbohcy0.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 6824E26D-F37F-4040-8CB1-40D84A2947CB_zpsmqbohcy0.jpg"/></a>

I'm trying! I uploaded one on the website and it didn't come up.


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You can keep it or get rid of it. I have a variety of it in my dad's 55 it's just kept away from the other corals, be careful because It can and will sting other corals if put too close. It also grows quickly so you might want to frag often if your concerned about size.


Sorry for the bad pic but here is mine


They do look beautiful just Very hostile twards others.

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It's up to you... But it grows fast and has a potent sting. If you've got the room it's a beautiful addition but if you have a small tank might need to get rid of it.


Check it out a little after lights out for some crazy sweepers...

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I assume you have a nano tank. 12 inch killer sweepers in a nano is a problem - you can't put anything near it and that takes up way too much room that could be used for other corals. I'd take it back.

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Space is an issue in a 5gallon pico... That really annoys me. From GSP to Galaxia. Huge difference.


I contacted the LFS to see if they'd swap it out. It's opened up and doing great... Lol ass

Agreed. He's going back on my next trip. There is only a zoa frag in there at the moment. So I'll separate them till I take the Galaxia back. What a bummer. Lesson on my end: don't follow LFS guy advise.

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Sure enough. Check out the long sweeper I caught just now. Sign of a healthy tank????


He was just added last night and already so active. But, he's going back




Oops. Here's the other pic. C0954508-1F0E-4244-A9A1-3018C6EEE3B3_zps

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep... I've been tempted to add this one a few times but since it sends out sweepers so readily it's just plain "nope" until I get around to upgrading to a tank large enough to give it room.


I swear galaxia reacts to even a harsh look. By trying to sting stuff. ;)

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