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Shawn's 65G - A Shallow Reef


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Hello everyone, my name is Shawn and this is my first forum build and my second reef tank. I began a couple years ago with a 38G Innovative Marine AIO Cube and I must say, it was definitely a learning curve. The original plan was to create a mixed reef but I had many losing battles with algae resulting in a loss of corals. I ended up selling the tank and now look forward to a new build.


I am looking to recreate a mixed reef that's more SPS dominated. I have not finalized a stocking list, but I'm thinking my show fish will be a Fathead Sunburst Anthias. I've always admired them in other member's tanks and would love to give them a try.



Tank: Rimless 48 x 24 x 13 inches (1219.2mm x 609.6mm x 330.2mm)

Stand: 48 x 24 x 36 inches (1219.2m x 609.6mm x 914.4mm) - Custom made by my Father and myself using plywood and formica


Lightning: 2 x Ecotech Radion XR30 Pro Gen 3 (one is temporarily being used on coral QT)


Flow: 2 x Ecotech Vortech MP10 QuietDrive (one is temporarily being used on coral QT)


Rock: 30lbs of Bulk Reef Supply's Reef Saver Rock


Sand: 60lbs of CaribSea Arag-Alive Fiji Pink


Filtration: Bulk Reef Supply's Media Reactor with Carbon and MarinePure BioFilter Media


I understand typically the first post in a forum-build generally shows the very first stages of the build (building a stand, aquascaping, cycling of the tank, etc.) but it didn't cross my mind until after I completed the stand that I should of taken some pictures.


The pictures below are where I am now. The tank is filled, cycled, and already home to a couple tank mates: Banggai Cardinalfish and Royal Gramma...and a Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab. The Banggai Cardinal pretty much spends his days (strangely) at the back corners of the tank and the Royal Gramma is MIA. Both of these fish have graduated their QT stay (yes, I am a HUGE fan of quarantining new fish) and I understand Royal Grammas tend to hide when introduced to a new tank...hopefully he/she comes out soon!


As of now I do not own a DSLR camera but hopefully will receive one during the holiday season. But nevertheless, please enjoy the pictures and feel free to ask any questions!


P.S: I will be adding additional pictures of the supplies used one a later post.













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So empty and eerie in the last two pics, I love it.

Hard to believe it's a 65.


Haha I agree, I didn't realize until you said it how the last two pictures came out B)


I look forward to stocking this tank and posting many, many pictures.

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Already real pretty looking. I like the minimalistic look you have going on with just the two islands. Fill those tight with coral and you will have a great tank.

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Nice scape tagging along!


Thank you! I'll be uploading more pictures soon.


Nice looking set up - gonna be a fun build - congrats!


Thank you! I've been looking forward to a new build and I am really looking forward to beginning an SPS collection. :D


Already real pretty looking. I like the minimalistic look you have going on with just the two islands. Fill those tight with coral and you will have a great tank.


Thank you! I wanted to try something minimalistic for a cleaner, open swimming design. And trust me, I can't wait to start filling it with SPS.

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Finally installed a Hydor Smart Level Controller. Now I can finally take a weekend vacation without having to worry about salinity!



Nice! EcoTech is pretty awesome :)


Agreed! So far I love their products (especially the Radion XR30's) because of the build quality and the ease of use with the ReefLink.

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Yesterday I picked up a Green Slimer Acropora to test out if my tank is ready for easy SPS...so far so good! (knock on wood)


Again, I apologize for lack of picture quality. My fingers are crossed I'll get a DSLR this holiday season. ;)



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I am picking up a Candlelight Acropora and two types of high end Zoanthids tonight: Blue Hornet and Fruit Loops. I just need a DSLR to begin taking great macro shots.

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I purchased a new Rose Bubble Tip Anemone (RBTA) a day a go and my two True Percs have taken to it. I must say, it's such a joy to see nature unfold. :D




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