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Cultivated Reef

In desperate need of a Dummies guide to navigating the AI PRIME app and or


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I have always used t5s so bascially that's all I know we'll my mom goes out and buys a new light for her bio cube which she happened to buy the ai prime, great light I like it but I have searched up and down and am yet to find any info on adjusting settings and once adjusted how to save. I have an android and I linked them together no problem I just need a little help navigating through the app so I can set her up a schedule. Seems like evertime I think I'm making progress I'll hit something and nothing ecer geta saved. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Plz feel free to ask any questions if I left something out.

I have visited AI's site and they didn't offer any tutorials on how to make a schedule or app navigation who knows maybe they thibk its so self explanatory they left it off, well hell not for me...sorry for such a juvenile question.

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I just got mine a couple weeks ago as well. I was hoping it would be as easy as my ecotech radion, but it was a bit more finicky.


You really have to just sit there an play with it to figure out how it works. I watched videos and stuff but nothing helped.


First thing you may want to do. In MANUAL mode, got to easy setup and set your sunrise, sunset and ramp time. Then press the check button to save those settings.


Next, go back to the graph screen and adjust the settings of any time you want by pressing the plus sign. This will open a new page with all of the colors and their intensities. When you pick your settings the colors will have their own graph.


You can jump through each time you have edited with the arrow buttons, and you can delete a point with the X button. The light should automatically save the last settings you enter, just back out of the app.


So hard to explain without a video. lol.. Hope this helped with Manual mode at least. If you need clarification just ask

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you are a saint, thank you, that's a start for me anyway. One question, I noticed there was a place where you can manually adjust the kelvin, is there a way to save that once I get where I want to? Maybe one more question, my mom has a 20 gallon tank and all she grows is lps, what intensity to do u run or recommend?thank you much

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Ha, far from a saint ;). Just trying to help.


I have not played much in auto mode yet since I like creating my own color intensities in manual mode. Intensities would be dependent on what light she had before and if it is a high or long 20gal. You don't want to burn the corals if you are moving to led's for the first time.


Start low and ramp it up in the next month or so. If it is a 20high and you are using led's for the first time I would not go over 40% on any color to start. Maybe even 35%, a little less light is better then too much. If her corals look like they are closing up within the next day or two turn it down, if they look like they are reaching for light turn it up. Most people usually over do it when they first switch to led's so keep it low for a start.


I know I burned my lps a bit when I moved to my Radion years ago, I could only run it at ~30% on a 29gallon.

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oh wow, had no Idea it was that strong, she was using a maxspect or something before so her corals are used to LEds.

I am so lost its not even funny, I think your right I just need to play w it, but until I do figure it out what is the easiest possible way to get this light up and running on a 8 or 9 hour schedule w a 15k look? I found the color wheel but didn't see a way to save it or set the time?

oh and thank you so much for being patient and helping, I have an ATI w 4 t5s so I am used to plugging into a timer, setting the timer and walking away. This LED thing is a whole new world to me.

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If she was on the maxspect before then you shouldn't have to worry much on going to strong. I would maybe try 45% then and move it up. Like I said, burning coral is worse than having lower light. Better be safe than sorry and increase the intensity if corals seem like they can handle it.


I honestly can't say much about the color wheel or how it saves when you use that. I did it all from adding points to the graph and moving each color individually in manual mode. You can make the look you want this way but you won't know for sure if you are getting the 15k settings. Thats the only thing I haven't played with a lot.

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is it possible to use 2 controllers, meaning could I download the app on my phone and then on my moms ipad and the light can be controlled from either or does it not work that way?

im sorry if im sounding redundant here but if u did it all by adding points to the graph does that mean u went to each hour individually and had to set the color scheme hour by hour?

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I didn't know I could do that, I have always controlled from my android and had someone give me a hand w the settings and I am terrified to play with them due to the fact I might mess it all up. Thank you much that!

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