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Fishfood's biocube 14.


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Going to Add a FTS to this first post.. FTS as of Nov 24, 2015




I had seen a oceanic biocube 14 that was on craigslist for a few day. I asked the wife if I could go look. Last weekend I was filling it with those 2 rocks I kept all those years an the quarter bag of sand I had in the closet from my previous setup. I've been away 3 yrs. Still have previous tank but it's set up as a planted fresh water tank. Yrs ago I gad a 135.


Tank and stand for $55 with the only other usable item a mj 1200. I gutted the lights and fans as they were all rusted. I need a new splash guard as it didn't have one. I plan on replacing the 1200 with a 900 and add some type of pump for flow down the road. I already have the intank media basket. I think I'm putting in an order for a nanobox retro tomorrow.


I've always gone the route of sps on my previous tanks but I just don't want the headaches this time around. I'm thinking zoas, acans and ricordia. I'll likely add one choice sps from a local at some point. For fish I want a Yashi hasi/ shrimp pair and another small goby.


I really didn't want to add any livestock until after Christmas. If I order the lights I don't know if I'll be able to hold off. I have a bunch of other equipment that I still need to get, heater, power head, filter media.


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Thanks. Lets see if I can't get the images in the thread. I was using my phone last night and couldn't get anything to work as far as getting images loaded.


I may keep the aquascape but just flip it so the sand is open on the left instead of the right side. What you can't see in the picture is that on the left side there is another bridge from the rock in the front to the larger piece in the back. I just didn't get a good angle for the picture of that.





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And just for fun here was my 65 build:









And here it is as an Orchid Terrarium.. never got them to bloom in there and got frustrated.



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And here is what my 65 looks like now.. kind of funny to have a drilled aquarium with overflow set up as a freshwater aquarium.. in the back of my mind I keep telling myself I'll set it up as salt again one day.. Maybe not reef, well maybe just some softies and things that typically don't mix well with coral. I would have spent way too much on getting it back to a reef tank with everything I would have needed as I sold everything when I set it up as a terrarium.



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So yesterday I stopped by the lfs and to grab some lr to help get this thing started. .4 lbs for a wallet busting $2.45. I don't like how all of it looks in the tank so I'll just let it in to get the tank cycled and then take out some of the rock I don't need or like. Thats likely the least i ever spent at lfs when i actually spent money.


I have my nanobox retro on the way, 3 new fans and I'm about to get some acrylic to build a new splash guard. MJ900 came in yesterday and i'm shocked at the temp difference between that and the 1200.

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Lights and fish guard came in today. Waiting on 3 new fans and acrylic for the splash guard. I don't want to mess with the lights until i have the guard in place and after i drill some holes for an extra fan in the back of the hood. The hardest thing for me will be just sitting here and watching the empty tank. I've never been good at just waiting to put things in the tank. I wasn't suppose to get the light until after christmas and that would have made the waiting on corals easy.

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little more to share. Nothing too exciting. I got some fans in today and will put one in place of where the original fans were located and one on the side of the hood to keep moisture from forming in the canopy. These new fans are barely pushing any air but it should be enough to keep the humidity out of the canopy. I have an extra I can mount on the other side of the canopy if these don't do anything.


new fan in original position



holes drilled in the side of the canopy for a new fan



smaller holes need a little cleaning up. I couldn't mount this fan because my screws were not long enough.


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Fans are in and just got my nanobox retro hooked up this morning. I'll have to play with the settings. I'm also going to take off the canopy until I get a splash guard. I took the easy way and got some pre cut acrylic on the way and should be able to get that together Monday or Tuesday night. Also changed the rock around and plan to take some out and redo everything.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So since my last post i made the splash guard. It was a little big but nothing some cutting in the canopy couldn't fix. I also added two scarlet hermits and my wife brought home a nice blue green florida ricordia from her office tank. I think i gave her office that frag when I took down the 60 3 yrs ago. I guess she had about 4 polyps now. Seems kind of slow growing but she hasn't been keeping up with taking care of the tank the last few years.


I never got an ammonia test kit so i just tested my nitrites for the last week. I shouldn't have added anything at this point but i did. Trites were just slightly detectable and there was some nitrates as well. Since i have no plan to add fish until after christmas i don't have anything thats going to keep the load up and this will be a drawn out full cycle. I'll throw some pellets in every few days for the hermits. Might reach out to some locals and see what all zoanthids they have. I know a few who have some nice things and who have gotten some great deals off of me years back. See if i can score some nice zoas for less than $10 per polyp and more along price by the plug. I know one is still selling some blue tubs for $5 pp. When i took my tank down i was selling that stuff for $10 for a plug of 10 plus polyps..


I'll see about getting the rock set in its final spot and take a few pictures. I think my wife is going to chop off a piece of her green sinularia(I gave it to her office) sometime this week. Its about 2 volleyball size heads in her tank at the moment. They have some of my zoas in the office tank as well but I'm not sure which ones.

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So a brand new lfs in the area has this puppy for sale. For the price I can't put it in a tank thats only been up a month at best. I'm stopping by to see what else he has but I want this one bad.. maybe he will get one in as nice after christmas..


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I got in my ATO on friday. I went with the Spectrapure ATO. Had to get this thing in to see how much water I go through and make sure it works as I'm going out of town for Christmas.





I also picked up two new frags. I got a Setosa frag and one of my favorite caps: Purple rim green with blue polyps. This thing look so empty. No full tanks shots yet because it just doesn't look like much.





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Here are the zoas in my tank. I fragged them to put some in my wife's tank at work. Its the office tank but they are happy when I give frags. My reasoning is so that I can take them back should anything happen to my tank.



A freebie... Sunny D



Pink Krakatoa



In my 15 yrs or so of having aquariums I've never had a gorgonian. Picked up this one at the lfs.




Magician and Scrambled Eggs








Can anyone give me an ID on these? Its a bad picture. They came attached to the bottom of my Rasta frag.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wow $7.50 acan frags are awesome!


Looks great sir, love the Zoas as well.


Yea the last time I looked they still had some. I had someone split the order so shipping was only $19.50 each. One of the acans I got was $14.50 and the other 4 were $7.50 each. So that comes out to $12.80 an acan. The red and white one has 8 visible heads with baby heads all around it you can't see. The others have at least 3 heads a piece. I know everyone loves the rainbow acans but those green, white and purple ones look real nice also.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So on a long drive home. We drove to Pennsylvania on the 19th of December to visit my family for christmas. 16 hour drive from AL to PA.


I made a stop at that fish place while in town. What a disappointment. As a kid we use to go there when we first got a tank back in the 90s. It was horrible. I was going to take a zoa frag on the 16 hr drive if I found anything g worth while. The store is just sad compared to what I remember as a kid.


We left my parents today at 2 and are in Knoxville now. Should be home in Mobile, AL between 6 and 7. Hopefully my tank is still running. I saw storms the entire time we were gone and our power did go off at least once. I did have someone watching the tank but they do not have an aquarium so they do not know what they are doing. All they had to do was make sure my ato container had enough water.


This drive isn't any fun when you go straight through. At least the kids are sleeping. They stayed awake the entire trip up.

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Hope everything is well! When I get my tank cycled I will FOR SURE get some corals from that place only 40 bucks to ship and I probably could get my dad to buy some coral from there and we can combine it into one order and split the shipping.

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So l found some of the gobies I wanted to get. I have 3 trimma and 3 eviota gobies coming in next saturday. Only problem is they may not all come but I found a lfs that can get me the one that I couldn't find on line.


Anyone think 8 trimma in a 14 gal biocube is too many? I have 2 trimma rubromaculatus, 1 cana , 2 eviota pellucida and 1 nigriventris on the way if they all ship. Found a lfs about an hour away that can get me trimma tevegae. I'll post some pictures when I get them in.

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ehhh. with good water changes its possible i suppose. I mean the ocean groups many types of small gobies in tide pools that are only a few gallons

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So In a few hours ill post some pictures of the Gobies. Looks like they made it from Cali to the Alabama Gulf coast with not problems. Just waiting on FedEx to drop them off. I think every single one of them will be 3/4 inch or less since they all say small.

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