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10gal w/TBS package very pleased


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Just thought I would share some photos of my new 10gal Nano using all Tampa Bay Saltwater Aquacultured rock, Purchase the 10 gal package and picked up the first half 6 weeks ago and the second half 2 weeks later. Every thing is going good so far, troublesome but very managable cycle. Followed the instructions supplied by TBS and it went very smooth almost no die off. just one stinky sponge found on second day.


full tank




right side




The rock is so loaded with life I need to feed it a little on the heavy side. Just loaded with filter feeders of all type. Clams, Oyster, Sponges, Cup Coral, Tube coral, Tunicates, Barnacle, tube worms and more. Loads of good hitchikers and some bad ones One Mantis got him on the second day. I did get quite a few gorilla crabs with the second batch, working on getting them out. Anyone have a real good method?



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I love the look of TBS LR. It is full of life but some people say that too many unwanted animals such as mantis and predator crabs may come with their rock. Also the songes growing on the rock limit the coral placement reefscaping what do you think? But it looks very colorful and natural.



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Your right the rock is full of life. There are a few bad critters. I am working on getting them out. I only had one mantis as far as I know and he is gone. I also got a lot of good hitchhikers; Dwarf Zebra Reef hermits and other hermints, snails, Porcelian Crabs, Small Serpant stars, One small Pink Sea Urchin. It all depends on what you want in your aquarium, I wanted a more natural look that did not need a lot of supplementing with corals. I already have lots of nice Tube Corals, they don't show in the photos very well. I am planning to try and limit to Species native to the Gulf and Caribbean regions when I do start adding some Coral.:D

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Do you know where i can get some? I want like a pound or two, just to seed my tank with more critters and stuff to deal with, lol!

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is the substrate that chunky? I was thinking about getting a package from them but I'm picky and want finer, whiter substrate. I may just have to order stuff seperate and get everything but my sand from them...

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The subtrate from them mostly made up of cruhed shells and other reef debris, some with coraline on them, it is a little rough. Some of what you see in the photo's are Hermits, snails and empty shells for the hermits. Even if ypu dont want the sand it would still be cheaper for the complet package in stead of individual items from them. If you add the prices for the individual items found in the package you find the package price is almost half.

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  • 4 months later...

I just added the them one a week earlier and the pollops only open a little bit so far. I had the yellow in my 6 gal before were it was doing well. I had made some cuttings from the yellow and all the cuttings are opened up. I will need to experiment with location for water flow to make them happy. I believe they do not require high level lighting.

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  • 1 month later...

In the beginning before I started adding corals I supplemented with Oceans Blend every other day. Feed DT's Phytoplankton every other day or so and also Cyclopeze. Now with fish and coral I use a combination of different dry fish foods. And added once a week with a Turkey baster I feed either a mixture of pureed (tiger) shrimp and Formula One or Frozen brine shrimp. I feed my serpant star directly once every couple of weeks just to give him a treat. I have lost most of the barnicles. Just can't feed enough without polluting the tank for the barnicles.

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what did the package cost you? Im thinking about getting a nano customs 12dx and maybe doing it with that live rock from them. So curious also I have no airport close 2hrs away in New Orleans. How did you do your shipping?

thanks cd.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My gorgonians were not opening up there polyps. The yellow always had good polyp extension in my 6g. So I moved it back to the 6g and moved the Red Sea Rod to my daughters 5g minibow and they are both doing very well. I also moved the frogspawn back to the 6g. I added a green Sea Mat and it seems to be doing well. I am in the process of battling algea. That was another reason I moved the Frogspawn, it did no seem to like the algea and cyno that was growing around it. I am upgrading the lighting this week to add a third 40w B) compact. Will post updated pictures soon.

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  • 4 months later...

In the past few months I have had some livestock come and go. Recently I had my ac 300 Fuge/filter malfuction and shutdown for what I believe to be about 12 hours. Lost both of my fish and I believe my Peppermint shrimp. But everyhting else is ok. Recently added a feather star. He just hangs out under the powerhead in the rear. Here are some recent photos:


Full tank w/flash



Full tank no flash



Feather Star:



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