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Hate my 20k MH, Rig something up?


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there's some creative ppl out there, so i figured i give this one a try.....i really want to figure out how to add some more lighting w/ what i already have, but it seems near to impossible


I have a 16bow and hanging almost dead center (but a little towards the back), 5 inches above it is a Blueline HQI pendant with a 150w 20k bulb. This is my first MH lighting so i didnt know exactly what i was getting when i ordered but and im convinced ITS NOT BLUE ENOUGH~ (and i wish it was a little brighter) This baby is still fairly new, so getting rid of it for another fixture is out of the question n expensive. Anyone know what i could rig up to add some PC actinics? I want my tank to glow!


I was playing around with my 28w aqualight w/ an actinic bulb and it seemed perfect. But then i realized when i lay the light on the top of the tank (in the front b/c i have an aquafuge in the back), it blocks some of the MH and casts a shadow into the tank b/c its too wide.

If the light is elevated diagonally on one side (as shown in, my 2 second illustration) it still shines in nicely w/ no shadow. But i can only hold it there for so long~ ::arms getting weeeaak:: i wish i could prop it up some way.

Any OTHER ideas? I suck royally at this, but im determined b/c I hate my new MH right now......... =/

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Well, I don't know much about MH from personal experience, but I have been reading about them a bit because I am getting a 150W set-up in the near future.


First, maybe just let the bulb burn-in. It takes a few weeks I think. It might turn out that the intesity/color changes more to what you envisioned.


If this isn't the case, you could try to mount a PC on either side of the MH, or in the fixture itself. This will allow the wavelength to "mix" more before making contact with the water. It isn't too often that someone complains about a 20K MH not being blue enough.



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lol, i like the glow look that blue gives, its my fav part about corals. Rhanks for the input.......

Im considering pulling the pendant back a bit and then just placing the damn aqualight right on top.


I just hope that the 28watts dont get too washed out by the MH. Hummmmmmmmmmm

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I'm currently using 2 150W MH HQIs right now also and they're both 15K and to me they are blue enough for me. Since I have a 200 gallon reef, mainly soft corals and zoos, I have some hard corals up near the top. I also run 4 PCs (2 blue actinic and 2 10K).


I think the best way to solve your problem is get yourself a canopy with an open top. You can mount ice caps to the front side of the canopy. this way the PC won't obstruct the light path of the MH and you no longer have to hold the light. lol.


The second option is to get a pair of mini pc actinic lights. But I think the canopy will be better.

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areefer, you may want to build a hood if you want it to look clean. but honestly, I think that 150w MH will wash out the 28w actinic. my 2 70w MH almost washes out my 2 65w actinics sooo.....: :

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kracker- Ill leave building hoods your job~ =P It would probably end up looking less clean if i made something lol

"I think that 150w MH will wash out"- yea, thats definitely a prob....i need small, yet high wattage actinic PCs.


hummmm, ice caps..........



thanks guys

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20K is not blue enough for you?

That's gonna be a problem. 20K is the bluest MH lamp you can get. I'm afraid that one or two 28w actinic just can't add blue tint as much as you want. MH will wash out PC, and... you may want more blue than actinic can put out.


You may try other brand 20K. Some are little bluer than others.

Or, you may consider T5 HO actinic lamps. These guys are little more efficient, so it may not washed out too much. :P


And... Icecap... what's up with that? Do they come up with "over 20K ultra blue" MH lamp that make any reef tank just looks like a graveyard at foggy night? If they do, plaese let me know. I think they only have 150w 10K lamp... as of a few month ago.

I use Icecap 10K bulb/ballast and Its about right to me... I want just a little bit bluer than that tho. I can live with what I have now, cuz I can't spend any more. Next time it's gonna be 14K. :P

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Phiche Master

yea I was gunna suggest you read some reviews and buy a quality bulb, sounds like yours sux...iwasaki/ishio I promise it will be blue.

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To tell you the truth guys, i do not know why you want your tank so blue I prefer to have my tank balanced and look realistic. Too much blue makes the tank looks fake. The point to having a nano reef or a mini reef is to make it look as much as natural as possible. By adding too much blue, it looks fake without adding any benefit. Just my opinion that's all. Is there anyone out there that share the same ideology?

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Wow i forgot this thread existed~


"i do not know why you want your tank so blue I prefer to have my tank balanced and look realistic."

---- I guess its opnion based. Yours is understandable but I like all the blue b/c it looks like a deeper reef scene and gives a nice glow so its fun to look at. Plus, i think that a reef tank looks fake in the first place b/c its too many inhabitants n corals in one little space in the first place (esp mine b/c i like to over pack it~)


Could putting a light layer of blue film over the splash shield cause any ill affects?

Maybe it is the bulb brand~ It was from champion lighting and i have NO idea what kind it is.

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Might be worth looking into a different manufacturer's 20k bulb. I heard that some are brighter/dimmer/bluer than others.


Might be worth a shot.


Check over at reefcentral for pics and whatnot.

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try this one on for size


if you are skimmerless it will work for even longer




its completely safe and inert hell we eat it...i did this to my 75 FO for kicks and with mix of 10k and actinic NO it looked more purply white than anything...so i drop some drops in( ok ok i squirted half the damn bottle ) it was BLUE as ive ever seen blue get in a tank....so put that in ur pipe and smaoke it

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