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Fishy bullies


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I just bought a bicolor pseudo yesterday and put him in my tank with my false clown and my coral beauty (he's a runt so he fits in well in my tank). Well both of the fish are pushing the new guy around big time. What should I do?

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12 gallon. I know that is a lot of fish for that size of a tank, but I was just testing out to see if three would work. The other two worked fine, and I figured this fish would be okay because he would hide in the live rock a good bit.

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I'm just gonna give you a little piece of advice. Angelfish (dwarfs and reg alike) are open water fish for the most part. They love to swim and need a lot of room. The minimum tank that I would have for a single coral beauty is a 55g. IMO the clown and the bicolor is plenty. Please take the angel back or move it to a bigger tank (or I will personally come and put you in a small closet and nail it shut and only have a hole to slip you food and water once a day or whenever I feel like it. Who knows? I might forget a day or two here or there. And I'll be sure to send someone to pull your potty tray out from under the door every once in a while so that you don't have to live in your own feces).

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Return the new fish. That is too many fish for a 12g.


On top of that non of them are very peaceful fish (we are not talking about firefish gobies here). With some luck the psuedochromis may survive the early trauma and when it gets bigger... wreck some havok on the other fish. The bicolor is agressive even in relation to some of the other more common pseudochromis's (and they are an aggresive group to begin with).

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i am gonna go out on a limb and assume its a nanocube so its not an entire 12 gallons barely 9. the angel has to come out. that psuedo as stated will get its revenge.

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Okay, that's tough news to take, but it is appreciated. I appreciate Seanano and scd's advise. Would the two of you recommend taking out the psuedo and the angel, and leave the clown?


If you have any suggestions for some more non-aggresive fish that work well in the nano it would be greatly appreciated.

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if you like the psuedo replace it w. a royal gramma. and leave that and the clown. sorry for the tough news but its unfortunately just the way it is.

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I second Seanano suggestion... The royal gramma and bicolor psuedo are very similiar in appearance... but not temperment.


You need to decide what fish you want more... The clown or the psuedo? The angel should go either way because of the tank size. If you keep the psuedo, a damsel may work with it (two more aggressive fish together). If you keep the clown, you have more options, gobies are typically peaceful fish.


I love psuedo's... And tried on two occasions over about 5 years to keep one with my clown. In both cases the psuedo eventually began bullying... and not just the clown! It would attack my snails, hemits, the worms in my sand! Basically anything that moved was asking to be nipped. I returned them (the first I tried was also a bicolor, the second was a red-tail).

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