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The adventures of Mr. Squishy...... My 40B

Mr. Clownfish

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Current FTS: 10/25/15




Well after a lot of research and convincing my wife, I think I finally have the perfect tank for me. This is the plan so far. 40B display with a 40B Sump on the back side of the wall. The wife said yes to letting me use the back room as a fish room… and by yes I mean she didn’t say no. I had been thinking of this for a while and waiting for Petco to have that $1/gallon sale. But I went over to PetSmart Saturday morning to get dog food and saw that they had 2 40B for $40 each. So I bought both of them and a 20L just because. So after a weekend of building this is what I have so far. Ill post more as I go along.


Stocking plans:

A really nice pair of designer clowns.

A crap load of Anemones.

Small Zoa garden on a rock island in the corner.


Equipment so far:

2 Aqueon 40 breeder tanks

1 20l tank that I have no idea what I going to do with it

DIY Stands for both tanks

CPR overflow box with Bean Animal style overflow.


Other stuff I have in boxes from past tanks:

SCA 301 Protein Skimmer

ATI 8 bulb T5 fixture

2 Hydor Heaters

50lbs rock from my last tank

And a bunch of other stuff that I can’t think of right now.





I going to try something a little different with the return pump. They will be from the sides rather then the back. I also have a really powerful return pump so I should get lots of flow. And since I want a bunch of Anemones I would like to avoid powerheads.









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So just a quick update. I had a little bit of time last night so I got the stand for my sump built and started cutting class and installing baffles. Everything is coming together nicely. I hoping to get the tanks inside the house tonight, cut the hole in the wall for the plumbing and start taking some measurements for the drain lines. I'm very excited about this project. Its going to be cool.





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The stand looks really well built, and the overflow (Bean?) look cool with the black plumbing.


I like the idea of the returns on the side, but how can you hide them? Will it make it hard to clean the glass without breaking the bulkhead?

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The stand looks really well built, and the overflow (Bean?) look cool with the black plumbing.


I like the idea of the returns on the side, but how can you hide them? Will it make it hard to clean the glass without breaking the bulkhead?

Yes its bean style overflow.

And I don't really plan on hiding them. It sticks out far enough to get my magnet past it. So hopefully it wont break.

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Well after a long weekend and my RODI unit running for 30 hrs. straight... My tank is finally up and running. I didn't get nearly enough flow as I was hoping that I would so I'm going to have to get a couple powerheads when I get some money again. I'm thanking that 2 jebao rw-8 will do the trick. Here are a couple pics of the tank.






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  • 2 weeks later...
Mr. Clownfish

Wow like the setup really well built and put together!

Thank you very much. This was after years of starting new tanks and not being happy with them. I finally have the design that I have always wanted.
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Current FTS: 9/28/15




Well after a lot of research and convincing my wife, I think I finally have the perfect tank for me. This is the plan so far. 40B display with a 40B Sump on the back side of the wall. The wife said yes to letting me use the back room as a fish room… and by yes I mean she didn’t say no. I had been thinking of this for a while and waiting for Petco to have that $1/gallon sale. But I went over to PetSmart Saturday morning to get dog food and saw that they had 2 40B for $40 each. So I bought both of them and a 20L just because. So after a weekend of building this is what I have so far. Ill post more as I go along.


Stocking plans:

A really nice pair of designer clowns.

A crap load of Anemones.

Small Zoa garden on a rock island in the corner.


Equipment so far:

2 Aqueon 40 breeder tanks

1 20l tank that I have no idea what I going to do with it

DIY Stands for both tanks

CPR overflow box with Bean Animal style overflow.


Other stuff I have in boxes from past tanks:

SCA 301 Protein Skimmer

ATI 8 bulb T5 fixture

2 Hydor Heaters

50lbs rock from my last tank

And a bunch of other stuff that I can’t think of right now.





I going to try something a little different with the return pump. They will be from the sides rather then the back. I also have a really powerful return pump so I should get lots of flow. And since I want a bunch of Anemones I would like to avoid powerheads.









Nice start! I love all the DIY work there.

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Mr. Clownfish

Yeah I'm still not sure about the BTAs. I think I'm going to go for more of a mixed reef. My LFS has got some really cool LPS, leathers and other softies in lately so I'm leaning that way.

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Excited to see how your build goes. BTA's are really cool, you could always have one and fill the rest of the tank with other things you like from your LFS. I have seen some really nice 40 breeders, one of my favorite sized aquariums.

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Thank you very much. This was after years of starting new tanks and not being happy with them. I finally have the design that I have always wanted.

What kind of corals are you thinking of adding, going with more of a mixed reef?

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Mr. Clownfish

What kind of corals are you thinking of adding, going with more of a mixed reef?

Well I have a friend that has a little bitty BTA that he is going to give me. And then I really like LPS corals. Mostly torch, hammer and frogspawn. Then I want a Zoa garden on one side of the tank. Beyond that I'm not sure. We'll see what happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mr. Clownfish

Well a few updates here on the 40B Reef tank.


I decided to build a water changing station/Fresh RODI water storage trash can. I installed a bulk head on the bottom to drain water from and a float valve on the inside. This thing has made water changes and filling up my ATO bucket super easy. I also got the chaeto box and frag rack made for my sump. Everything is coming together very nicely.







As far as inside the tank goes everything is going good. I just have the 2 clownfish for right now and that works for me. The little male is also starting to do the submissive seizure dance for the female so that's cool to watch. I think the next thing I would like is a Goby/Pistol shrimp pair.


I was finally able to afford to get a new powerhead so I went with a Jebao RW-8. And this little this is fantastic. I don't know why more people do use them. They are super easy to set up and have a lot more flow then the vortec pumps. I paid $59.99 on amazon and it was worth every penny. And just as a little side bonus I had some sponge filters from my old MP-10 laying around and it fits perfectly on the Jebao pump.


I also got all of my corals back from the guy that was holding them for me as well as a little tiny RBTA. I don't have any pics of the BTA because as soon as I put his rock in the tank he walked off and is now hiding in a little cave in the back. But here is some pics of everything else.









When ever the little RBTA comes out of the little hole Ill try to get a picture of it. Its really small and my wife thinks its really cute.

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... they're never "small" I bought 2 small BTA

AS... they both over to over 4" now... lol. And my RBTA extends 2+" but we're adorable and cute. Now they're beautiful. Good luck

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Mr. Clownfish

This little guy is about 1" across. It's the result of a much larger BTA the got chopped up in my buddies tank. He didn't clean it out and he had a bunch of little BTA pop up all over the place. Unfortunately it also killed a bunch of things in his tank at the time.

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Mr. Clownfish

I'm so bummed out with this little anemone. He wont come out of the hole that he is in. He has been in the tank for a week now and is still hiding. I turned down the flow from the RW-8 because the frogspawn and hammer were looking a little beat up by the flow. So hopefully this will help. I was able to get the turkey baster in the cave to feed it a little bit and it looked like it went for the food but its hard to see. Hopefully he'll come out soon.

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Mr. Clownfish

The little BTA is starting to poke its head out just a little bit. It has been without light for almost a week now some hopefully it will move. It was stretched out pretty far to even get to this point. But I might end up moving the RW-8 or turning it down even more. This little wave make is way to powerful for a 40B. I tried pointing it more towards the top of the tank to see if that helps. this was the best picture I could get.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Mr. Clownfish

Well some time yesterday afternoon my little anemone (Mr. Squishy as named by my wife) finally decided it wanted to come of it its cave. He isn't looking to hot but considering it was a piece that survived a power head incident, I'm thinking its been thru worse. Hopefully now that its out he can get some light, the occasional spot feeding and begin to bounce back and grow.




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Mr. Clownfish

Oh it looks fine from here

The picture is kind of dark but It is very bleached out. The tips are pink but other then that its almost completely see thru.

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