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Coral Vue Hydros

NanoReefer200's NUVO Fusion 10 Build Thread


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Well, I got rid of my 125g FOWLR tank and decided to move over to the nano reef. I thought i was getting out for good, so i sold everything with the tank, and now I decided to get back in...3 days later. So I have to rebuy everything. Here is my purchase list


- NUVO Fusion 10

- Nanobox Mini LED

- inTank Media Basket

- MP10WES(used)

- Tunze Osmolator Nano ATO


Coming soon:


picoskim 2.0


I have put in about 8lb of live sand and 13 lbs of Fiji live rock. I'm not in love with the rock, but i was anxious to get it up and going. I have some more work to do on aquascaping but at least i got the rock and a shrimp in to get the cycle going. I'll put some pictures up soon but wanted to get this thread going.

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Well I'm now cycling with a snowflake and mocha clownfish. Got an ammonia test kit, some microbactrr7 and ready for some water changes. Going to keep a close eye but couldn't wait to put them in.

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Well I'm now cycling with a snowflake and mocha clownfish. Got an ammonia test kit, some microbactrr7 and ready for some water changes. Going to keep a close eye but couldn't wait to put them in.

Dude..... why would you do that?


Have you not read anything about cycling? There is going to be an ammonia spike that may harm if not kill the poor clownfish!

Personally I wouldn't add anything until the cycle is over, but since you are so "anxious" (Not a great trait in reefing!)and already did it, I'm assuming you won't return them. Just have a lot of water ready for changes I guess, and try to do your research in the future BEFORE getting some poor fish :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well my cycle is over. I am at 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites. It appears that my 14 lb of live rock, live sand and microbacter was enough to kick start my system. I'm excited to start adding coral, except I am still waiting on my nano box light. It'll be here tomorrow, but I'm going on vacation tomorrow so it'll have to wait until next week. I also want to work on my aquascape a bit before I add coral.


I added a fire shrimp which is pretty fun to watch. I'm debating between starting with an anemone or a frogspawn for my clownfish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started with a green star polyp, working on getting my kalk in ATO figured out and my media basket. Running filter floss(changes every 3-4 days), carbon(changed once a month), and Purigen(changed once a month). Picked up a couple salifert test kits for calcium and alkalinity, and got a heater.


Ammonia - 0

Nitrite - 0

Nitrate - 5

SG -1.025

Phosphates - .025

Alkalinity - 7.7

Calcium - 400


Will attach some photos of the GSP in a bit.

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Any new pics to go with the update?

I'm not sure why my pictures are rotated, but you can see that when i added the GSP a week or two ago, it was fully open. Now the back side of it has been closed for two days. All my parameters are really good, phosphates and nitrates at 0, 1.025, 400, 9dkh. Not sure what is causing only half not to open but i'm not going to worry about it since it is only half. Will start thinking about it more if it doesn't open by the weekend.



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Added some eagle eyes and pulsating xenia this week. I took my water in to get a 2nd opinion and everything checked out.


Nitrates - 0

SG - 1.025

Calcium - 450

dkH - 8


Everything has opened up and is looking good. I didn't glue them down so I will probably do that tomorrow. Also starting to think about how i want the tank to look since I am probably starting to choose some permanent locations. I have some rock in a bucket in my garage that is circulating with saltwater. Checked nitrates this week and they were up around 160, so i need to change the water and see I can get all the nitrates and phosphates out of them before i put them in the tank.


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