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Innovative Marine Aquariums

20g long fish only tank?


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What fish can I keep in a 20g long that has 22 lbs live rock and 20 lbs of live sand? Do I need special lightings for a marine fish only tank? It has an AC 150, but may upgrade if needed to the AC 200.


I prefer fish that can eat frozen or flakes instead of live foods. I like fish that is a little exotic looking, so NO clowns or damsels. I want a lion fish, but they only eat live right?

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the only lionfish that will be happy in a 20gal would be a fu manchu in IMO. you can train them to eat frozen foods.

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there's not much you can keep in a 20 gallon fish wise. even fu manchu lions will eventually outgrow it. you could keep a dwarf angel for a while, a cherub is a good choice, or a flame, or a coral beauty. also, look into gobies and blennies and cardinal fish, they would all be suitable. but i wouldn't try to keep more than 2 fish total, maybe 3 if they're really small, but be prepared to upgrade to a larger tank to accomodate their increasing size.


also... if you have 22 lbs of live rock, you do'nt need a hang on the back filter.

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flame angels and coral beautys in my opinion both get too big for a 20gal yes it can be done but theres not enough room. cherub, fireball, flameback angels are fine in anything 20LONG or over. not much of a fish choice? i'd say he has quite a selection, basselets, blennys, gobys, clowns, hawkfish, etc....

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