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12g nano: what is your fav fish & why?


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I'm considering a fish or two for my 12 g nano cube. I thought it would be nice to hear what your favorite fish is/are and why. Please post pics if you can! List fish regrets too if you have any!


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i have a 12 gallon eclipse and my fav fish for my anno is my maroon clownfish........he has a dark maroon color and when he swims it gets shiny with three bright white stripes..........he is really nice looking and i want to post pics but when i snap a picture it never comes out right and i dont want to post bad pics on my nice looking fish........i had a 6 line wrasse and 2 daqmsels but i gave them to my friend so i could buy the clownfish........

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How did you like the 6 line wrasse? That is one that I was thinking about after getting a clown. (Not sure which type of clown either.):D

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i have a maroon clownfish in mine too but i believe this was a mistake. he's a really cool fish though and comes to the top to hand feed everyday BUT these guys get pretty big 4-6" i think and that's way too big for him to be comfortable in a 12g nano. i'm kind of stuck at the moment because i dont want to just drop him at the LFS and he doesnt get along with my bicolor psuedo or percula clown in my large tank. i tried several times to introduce them, even rearranging all the LR but he still gets all torn up and doesnt look happy at all. :( i'd stick with somethign that you know isn't going to outgrown the tank. im interested too in what would make a good fish for the 12g nano. a small goby im sure would be a good choice.

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I was just checking out some other threads and the cherub angel was said to be "interesting" and suitable for smaller size tanks. I have to research them though. Anyone have these in their tanks?


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im also looking at what type of fish for my nanocube. i really like the maroon clown too, they seem to have heaps of personality. the other fish i have shortlisted are firefish, coral goby and six line wrasse. decisions decisions!!

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The cherub angel needs a larger tank than 12g. Would a percula, neon goby, and sixline wrasse be too much in a nanocube? How difficult will it be to keep water parameters level?

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i think maroon clownfish are way too mean :( not to mention they look REALLY ugly when they grow up... and vicious


i would just go with a percula/ocellaris and maybe a pair of clown gobies or any other sort of small gobies.


firefish are cool too! i have some pix of my fish in the link on my sig... just click to see :)

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If you want to have more than one fish in there, don't get a damsel! If you are happy with one fish, my yellow belly blue damsel is the coolest, most active, amusing, and beautiful fish out there! I tried adding a magenta dottyback as well, but it just didn't work out. The damsel beat the crap out of him and I had to take him back.


I like percs, dottybacks, grammas, gobies, and firefish. I wish I had room for them all. I can't wait to get more aquariums! All of these are small enough for the nano-cube, but I don't know if I'd put in three fish. There's really only 10 gallons of fillable space in it, and only 8 gallons of fillable space in the front compartment. It doesn't leave a lot of swimming room. I think I would stick with one or two.

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No angels in anything less then a 20L, i say long because its the length of a 30gallon which is something i believe that could be pulled off. However, as far as fish for a 12gallon* cube(holds less than 9 actual gallons when filled) if you want two fish, clown goby and a royal gramma. as far as clowns i'd only recommend either 1 ocellaris or 2 skunks, no sebaes tomatoes marroon or other varients as they all get too big. Even tho 6lines can be fine in a nanocube i personally think its cruel, if you ever watch a sixline swim you'd understand why. that's all they do, in and out of crevices and rock work, at my lfs they have a 6ft long tank and two 6lines in it that weeve in and out of the rock work across the entire tank in a matter of seconds. unfortunately the cubes down fall is its length, esp for fish that love to swim. a bi-color blenny would be another great choice tho. or if you can find a small enough flame hawk, as they lack swim bladders and just love to perch on rock work and have loads of personality. they grow very slowly as well so thats always a plus, just have to make sure if you get a shrimp its significantly larger then the flame hawk as it could become a meal. despite being carnivorious their bioload isnt too bad as i've seen them in a stocked 10gallon do great, as well as the water params stay steady. could always do a couple of chromis as well, i know it looks like a plain fish, but some how i have a love for them. esp when they are in large groups schooling(in larger tanks obviously). blackcap basselt is also a beautiful fish w/ some nicer personality. if you want to push the limit on this and in no way am i reccommending this, but you could always get away w/ 2 chromis and a firefish. the possibilities are endless, just becareful and consider the fish and its personality and dare i say it lifestyle. if it loves to swim or prefers exstensive rock work, it doesnt belong in a cube.

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Seanano, I do want to take the tank size into consideration and thank you for the info. I checked out the blackcap basslet, it is beautiful. Do you think the 12g will have enough lr work for it? They are also hard to come by, no? Would it be a good partner for a clown? (I'm not going to attempt an anemone but I'll provide coral substitutes like a toadstool mushroom.)

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honestly thats a tricky combo in my mind. i wouldnt be sure which to introduce first w/o the other becoming territorial. if you could put up a pic of the rock work in your tank that'd help a bit and i could let you know. however, if you have atleast one nice tight cave or two it could get itself into w/ a tad bit of effort, it'd be fine. if i had to choose which to go in first i'd say the clown, but its a tough call. despite clowns taking to corals its not often the best idea for them to. despite it looking nice. it sometimes irritates the corals a bit. dont want to be too much of a drag on all this but, i take an exstensive interest in everythings care in the tank. so if you do and the clown does take to it. keep an eye on the toadstool. back to the basslet, they are either plentiful or scarce atleast thats how they are here. i do believe liveaquaria.com always has some and maybe saltwaterfish.com(which has freeshipping w/ 80$ order or more so you could get a few things). shameless plug? i guess... but its a great deal imo. hth

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Nothing is easy about saltwater aquariums :unsure: ! My rockwork is nothing to speak of right now so I'll the blackcap to my dream aquarium. I think I should just stick to a clown and a neon goby. I wish anemones weren't so hard to take care of. I would get one for the clown.

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  • 2 weeks later...

NO BLUE DAMSEL! Mine beat the crap out of my poor royal gramma, and i had to catch the damsel and take him back to my LFS. Just the whole ordeal of catching him took an hour, and resulted in me having to take out all the rocks from my tank! UGH! Now my poor gramma hides in a cave and doesn't come out.

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