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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Finally got a fish....!


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Well we finally have a fish in our 7 gallon bowfront reef. Our LFS has a few very small Green Banded Gobies, so while at the LFS yesterday picking up water, we purchased one. The person that helped me at the LFS even fed them some Formula1 to show me that they were eating. This fish is so TINY. It makes a full grown neon tetra look very large at this point. For some reason it seems to like "standing" on the back wall.


If it does well for a little while, we may get another one of these tiny Gobies so this one has a little company. I have read they may be kept in groups an can be social fish. Green Banded Gobies should stay an inch or under, and they have very little body mass. Any thoughts about keeping 2 of these fish in a 7gal nano? Here are a couple of photos of the little guy last night.


Here is a fairly close shot.



Here is a photo that puts this little fish into perspective. That is a 50 watt Tronic Heater right above it. (Pardon the hair algae :D)



There are a couple more photos of this guy farther down this thread and on our website, and I will be getting more photos in the near future as it becomes more familiar with its surroundings and leaves the back wall. (I hope)


There are also some new tank photos a couple messages down in this thread.



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Mnesarchus, thank you and I agree thinking it's a cute little fish. I am hoping it ends up having a much larger personality than its size.


I hadn't heard of this type of Goby either till I accidentally saw them in one of the LFS fish tanks. I mention accident because these fish are so small. I was looking at something else, and I happened to see one of the Red Headed Gobies in the same tank move. The tank labels also showed there were Green Banded Gobies in the tank as well so I stayed and watched for a while. That was over a month ago, and I have since done some reading on these fish (google search for Green Banded Goby) as well as the Red Headed Gobies which seem like they would also be a good selection sizewise for a Nano Reef.


Here is a photo that shows the why it gets the name Green Banded Goby. Sorry about the focus. I really cannot wait till it will come up front a bit for some clearer/better lit photos.





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I didn't want to start a new thread, so I am just going to post some new pictures here on this one..


Proof that our Candy Coral has split finally! Each polyp has 2 seperate mouths now.



Yellow Polyp Update... Many of the original polyps have died off for some reason, but the ones that have lived are doing very well. A few of these even have baby polyps at the base.



Our Xenia has taken over the entire top of our main rock.



Here is a Featherduster that has grown considerably since we started our reef.



Here are a couple of Bristleworm pics.






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hey gill tank lookin good

u should get one of the red head ones we have ill get it for u on my discount just tell me when u can come over for pics then ill go pick him up cam

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you could easily do two small gobies in your seven gallon. have you seen the yellow stripe gobies? i have on in my tank and he is full of personality. very beautiful as well. they have blue striped gobies that are identical to mine and both are only an inch long.

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Thanks for the comments on our new fishy. It is still doing well, and is not on the back wall all the time anymore. I think it has figured out that there are no other fish in the tank and has officially "taken over the dump". :D I have seen it look like its eating off of the live rock and sand a few times. I think it may be eating bugs. I don't think it could be possible for this fish to take down all the bugs quick enough to depleat the tank too much though. I think I will get another of these little guys one day soon and see how they act together.


Here is an updated photo of our yet unnamed Green Banded Goby that proves once and for all it has left the back wall for broader horizons in our Nano.



mxpro32 do you have a photo of your Yellow Striped Goby? I would like to see it. :)



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Cute little fish there. I have had my mind set on a neon goby for the better part of my nano's inception, but after seeing your goby...well, I'll have to pass it by the misses first :rolleyes:



>On a side note, about 3 months ago I saw your tanks pics on (i think) reefs.org and after viewing your website (very nice ;) ) I noticed the mention of Nanoreefs.com. I quickly came over. So I guess I owe you a good bit in getting me where I am with my tank.

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  • 1 year later...

hey! I knew a guy that had a bristleworm. Try to get it away from your aqua if you have zoos. Into his aqua it ate completely all the zoos he had!!!

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with the size of that fish you could have several in your 7 gallon, the bio load would not be a problem or even consideration, more importantly would be, how much space each fish like to have and if they will be friendly with each other or each stake out their own area.


C. Jerome

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I have always wanted one of these puppies. Id easily lose the perc in favor of a cool goby. HMMMMMMMM@


jesus, I JUST noticed (3 days after I posted) that this thread is over a year old.

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  • 4 months later...



I know this is an old posting, but found some of these fish locally and wanted to know how yours was working out. Is it a personable fish, stay hidden, jumpers, etc? They are only 10.00 and sooooo cute! I wanted to take the leap and get a few fish for my tank and thought these would be perfect.




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i believe gils green banded goby is MIA. but i also saw one at my LFS.. and im interested in what it eats. copepods? my 2 hex is overrun by copepods and i need something to keep it in check.

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Amazing as always, great camera work and great choice in livestock both flora and fauna. Your tank is my goal, or well I should say the look your tank has is what I want, clean form and amazing colors and creatures packed into a small tank. I always look foward to your pics...

Take Care man,:teehee:

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I just brought a green banded goby home tonight. Within 5 minutes in the tank, it had stalked a amphipod about 1/3rd its size and ate it in about 3 bites. I'm glad something is around to thin out the pods a bit, I have a good population of big ones...and they spend too much time on my zoanthids.

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