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Fish for 15 gallon


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Currently I have a Tail spot blenny and 2 ocellaris clowns in my 15 gallon reef. I have an AC70 with Chemipure-Blue and do 5 gallon water changes weekly. I would really like to add a pearly jawfish as my last fish. I don't think space would be an issue as the jawfish would ocuppy the lower section the the tank, the blenny has his spot in some rocks in the middle of the tank, and the clowns swimming around d the middle and top. Would 5 gallon weekly water changes be enough to maintain the water quality ?

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Right now the lowest spot is probably 1 1/2 inches and the highest 2 3/4 inches. I would add more sand in areas to build it up to 3+ inches.

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So 4 fish in a 15 gallon with weekly 30% water changes seem fine to me as long as you have the sand base thats where he will hang out, far from your clowns.

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