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Coral Vue Hydros

2.5g chemistry help


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Ok i have started my 2.5 g Here are is my water chemistry



Amonia: 2.0

Nitrite: 0.2

Ph: 8.0


what other things should i test?

and also why is the amonia so hi all i have done is mix the salt and put crushed coral in the tank i did that last night?

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Most likely the tap water is the issue. Tap water in most areas is NOT acceptable for use in a reef aquarium. Use of tap water will stress the inhabitants and will produce big algae problems. You should empty the tanks and start over with distilled water.

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I think the crushed coral is okay if you like it. I would rather use something finer like sand or a finer grade of reef substrate. When I have used crushed coral/shells it has ended up catcthing a lot of junk and causing algae blooms. It might be okay if you keep the water changes regular and have a good cleanup crew.


I rinse my substrate in tap water and have never had any trouble.

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Quote: from Eddie on 10:00 am on June 19, 2002[br]I used tap water and yes i thought i cleaned the coral well.


If you added a add chlorine treatment to the water then that would explain it because tap water has another chemical called chloramine, and when chlorine treatment interacts with chloramine it seperates into chlorine and amonia.


Just a thought =).



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Tap water contains many nasty and poisonous chemicles and really shouldn't be used in aquariums, especally nanoreefs. Even if you treat the tap for clorine, other compounds build up over time and cause algea blooms, stress, and even kill sensitive inverts. Using puriffied RO/DI water is best.

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ok thanks i thought tap water was fine if you treated it that is good to know. so if i use distilled or ro water do i add anything besides my instant ocean salt?

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