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Cultivated Reef

rocks keep errupting?


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I know it sounds crazy but it's the best way I can describe it. It seems about every couple of hours something shoots out of my rock like a volcano. Projecting a bunch of slime of some sort into the water. At first I thought it was my sea urchin but it happens at different parts of that tank and I know the urchin can't move that fast. Any ideas on what it could be? ?

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I have seen 2 bristle worms in my tank. Im just not sure if they are the culprits.

Should I try to get rid of the bristle worms? I know they can be beneficial to a clean up crew that's the only reason they have made it this far.

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Bristle worms are beneficial IMO, they're detritivores.


Do you have any stomatellas? I have stomatellas and they usually puff out a cloud of eggs/sperm when they spawn.

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I have seen 2 bristle worms in my tank. Im just not sure if they are the culprits.Should I try to get rid of the bristle worms? I know they can be beneficial to a clean up crew that's the only reason they have made it this far.

don't get rid of them!!

Could also be a vermatid, I have a few that spew their mucus every couple days

that's a thread not an eruption
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Bristle Worm spawning IMHO. Watched mine multiple times come out slightly, and jizz all over my tank..... <_< gross..

Lmao I'm laughing at jizz all over my tank!

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