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Nitrite spike question


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Hey Guys,

Even though this is the 4th tank I have done a fishless cycle on I always still end up confused...

So tank was setup on March 13th....added Ammonia to 3ppm on Sunday March 15. Added a small bag of sand and water from Spyd and a bottle of Dr. Tims to help seed on the 15th as well. Finally this week my ammonia started to go down. Tested tonight and ammonia is around .5ppm but my nitrites are still sky high around 20ppm. Do I need to add ammonia to bring back up to 3ppm again or do I need to wait for nitrites to come down ? Water change needed ?

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I'm no expert, but wait. My understand is nitrites consume ammonia, nitrates consume nitrites and nitrates are consumed by algea and turned into nitrogen gas... once the nitrites are 0 and the nitrates are raising than water change and the cycle us complete

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I've never added Ammonia other than what come with the hardy critters I start with. The bacteria that consume Ammonia are doing ok but the ones consuming Nitrites might not be up to speed yet. Water change at this point might not hurt. Do you only have the sand not live rock? You might need more surface area in the tank.

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Hi Mate,


Dont add anything else to your tank, let it metabolize what is already in there. nothing good will come of rushing it.


If your really worried about the whole thing, do a decent sized water change and just leave it be. It will do its thing in time :D

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I was always told not to do anything during cycle until the nitrates raise and everything else is 0. But we all know how the "rule of thumb" only party applies anymore

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Hey Guys,

Even though this is the 4th tank I have done a fishless cycle on I always still end up confused...

So tank was setup on March 13th....added Ammonia to 3ppm on Sunday March 15. Added a small bag of sand and water from Spyd and a bottle of Dr. Tims to help seed on the 15th as well. Finally this week my ammonia started to go down. Tested tonight and ammonia is around .5ppm but my nitrites are still sky high around 20ppm. Do I need to add ammonia to bring back up to 3ppm again or do I need to wait for nitrites to come down ? Water change needed ?


You need to continue to feed the bacteria or it will die. I assume you have dry rock or maybe a small bit of live rock. Bacteria 1 eats the ammonia and turns it into nitrite, bacteria 2 eats the nitrite and turns it into nitrate.


The recommended max level for a fishless cycle is generally 2 ppm, so dose a little to raise it up to 1 or 2 ppm to keep bacteria 1 fed.


Once nitrites are at 0 and you have measurable nitrates then do a water change, raise ammonia to 1 or 2 ppm, then measure the next day to ensure you have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and measurable nitrates. Water change, then add the first fish.


jlangtree is also correct if you have enough live rock and living critters to get the process rolling. I waited 6 months to add fish and let the critter population explode. :)

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I'm in no rush. I was just making sure my steps were right. I agree with dosing back up to 1ppm and watching for ammonia to drop as well as nitrites in the next few weeks

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Dose ammonia when it reaches zero, or close enough to zero. Do a water change if one of the parameters rise too high.


Do that until the parameters you want the microbes to zero out can zero out within a reasonable timeframe.

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Hey guys...
Now my Ammonia is clearing with 24hrs but nitrites are still at 20ppm and nitrates are at 50ppm ?
What should I be doing now ?

Also starting to get a small diatom bloom. Have just started skimmer and havent ran lights the entire cycle so far

Wait until the nitrites are processing so fast that they are undetectable.


So no need to add ammonia..just wait for nitrites to drop ?

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You need to add an ammonia source each time ammonia gets to zero (or close enough), and do a water change if any of the parameters get too high.


Though I'd prefer an organic source of some sort, much better than just straight ammonia in my experience.

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Don't add anything else, just leave it be if you continue to add an Ammonia source you will end up with a never ending cycle if you don't know what your doing/aren't experienced with it. The beneficial bacteria that process waste in your system take time to grow and populate.

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