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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Fin rot


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My royal gramma went downhill fast. In the morning he was a photo hog as usual, then later that night he was acting funny. The next morning his tailfin was gone and he wasnt doing so hot. I never saw anything unusual, but now when I look back on the pictures, he does have a whiteish blot right before his tailfin.


I caught him easily and took him back to LFS I got him from 2 weeks ago. They said it was fin rot, probably an isolated incident, and any meds Id add to the tank would kill or mess with everything else I have in my tank.


Is this something I have to worry about my other fish getting now?

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Generally, fin rot is a bacterial disease and isn't likely to be contagious. Make sure the water conditions are good and your other fish should be fine.

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