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To Skim.. or not to skim...?


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The next piece of hardware that I'm seriously considering is Skimmer for my Fusion 20... but my question is, is it really necessary? I've heard, and read, conflicting things so I'm a little torn...


Of course I plan to continue my water changes, but I would like to reduce the amount/ frequency that this is necessary...


If I do buy one, I'm leaning toward the IM Ghost, but I've heard mixed reviews on those as well... With my JBJ ATO, how bad would this one suck? Is there another model that would be superior to the Ghost series and fit pretty seamlessly in the rear chambers of the fusion?


I appreciate the comments and input in advance.. ;)

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I have a desktop ghost skimmer on my fusion 10G, it's working great but sometimes I just think it's a waste of money. I also have a NC 28G with no skimmer for years with 0 issues. I would do 3G weekly water changes for your tank and spend money on something else like corals!

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I have the same question as you. Overall ive heard good things about the ghost. Some guy just sold one for 100 used on here and he said he never had issues with micro bubbles. Also, the PLS 50 elite may fit with some mods to the unit. But it wont sit flush with the top of the tank so itll stick out the top big time.

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If you keep up with your water changes and do not intend to keep any particularly sensitive SPS, then put simply, no, skimming is not necessary :)

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Martin in China

If you keep up with your water changes and do not intend to keep any particularly sensitive SPS, then put simply, no, skimming is not necessary :)

Not necessary, but is it still better to have one or rather not?

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A skimmer is always better to have because it helps remove waste from the water as well as adding aeration to the tank. It is not "necessary" but the benefits are clear to see vs. not having one.

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I ran without one for probably the first 6 months. After that, the nutrient build up was too much. Water changes and refugium weren't enough to keep up with it. So I added a skimmer. Been able to keep nutrients down pretty well. Recently I've started vinegar dosing to bring nutrient levels down even more.

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Not necessary, but is it still better to have one or rather not?

Of course better to have one vs not, definitely assists with removal or excess nutrients, however if you are consistently able to keep on top of that through regular maintenance, bioload isn't too much and don't over feed then it isn't a must. See below tank thread.

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Any brands/ models of skimmers anyone recommends beside the ghost series that work well with the rear chambers of the fusion 20?

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