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Two Snow flake clowns die 24 hours apart


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48 hours ago both clown seemed to be doing just fine. First thing in the morning I see that one clown is missing after searching my tank I find him deceased behind my rocks. Today the second clown seemed to be acting normal in the morning by afternoon it seemed he was swimming around more aggressively then normal , by this evening he was swimming towards the top of the tank looking like he was wanting out of the tank before I knew it he was struggling to swim. Now he's on the sand bed barely alive. I feel horrible. I have no idea what could of gone wrong all tests seem to be with in spec my second tank is doing just fine with the same water.

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I just looked up brooklynella and the one last clown I saw had what looked similar with the white strands coming off the body.

If it was in fact brooklynella what do i need to do to the tank it's self before adding any more fish?

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Same thing happened to my snowflake clowns. I suspected some disease. Never figured out the cause. Sorry for your loss.

I would leave your tank fallow for at least 4-6 weeks to ensure the parasite has no host.

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Im sorry to hear you went through the same gerber54. When we talk about the parasite having no host do snails count? I have a small clean up crew


I think invertebrates are okay. They host on fish.

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