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Coral Vue Hydros

Yellow Clown Goby


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How hardy are these little guys? I am really interested in getting one as long as they are hardy. What do they eat? All the ones I have seen are so tiny, so I am curious to know what their main diet consits of. Im guessing cyclop-eeze is on the top of their list, right?


Is there anything else I should know about these guys?


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The ones that I had would eat brine, small pieces of mysis shrimp, and tiny pieces of flake food. I got rid of the hardy little suckers because when the decided to mate they cleared patches in some of my SPS colonies to lay their eggs.

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are yellow clown gobies same as citron gobies? my LFS has it labelled "citron" but they look exactly like yellow clown gobies...?

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No, they are not the same fish. They are very similar but the citron get about twice the size and are not a brilliant yellow color.

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thanks, that's what i thought, i did a search prior and they had marking on the face, and seemed to be a little more "pastel" yellow. i think my LFS is retarded.... but they sell em for $6.99, im tempted to try one out...

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I love clown gobies, green, yellow, citron, yellow, black (dusky), etc... but I have once too often found them killing my stony corals. If you have them in a softie tank, dont worry, but this class of goby gives off a bitter poison that will kill a coral if it likes perching on it too much (mine almost killed my large galaxea coral). They also tend to nip at SPS (mine mowed a bali green slimer...almost lost it all together). Not a great fish considering the PITA they can be. Neon gobies are a much better choice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes that is correct, mine survived two weeks without eating. I have had similar problem where mine snipped at my Gorgonia tree :*(.

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i am thinking of getting one or two clown gobies for my future 7.5g cube which will only ever have softies and for the first little while it will only have ordinary shrooms. are they jumpers? and do they eat bloodworms as they are healthier than brine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

They are not to my knowledge jumpers. But, however I had mine get sucked up in the filter when I was cleaning it and it survived. Also I am extremely lucky that I got mine to eat flakes :D.

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