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Coral Vue Hydros

Jfduggan's Prawn Goby Pico


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Hey Nano-Reef, apologies in advance for not doing this as a build thread. My name is Jon, and I have wanted Flaming Prawn Gobies ever since I knew they were a thing. I started the tank up around August and just began adding fish around two months ago, but I decided that there was too much rock in the tank and decided to go more minimal. So I got rid of my baby clownfish, turned my live rock into rubble (with the assistance of a hammer, shout out to all my hammers), and went for a more minimal design where I might actually be able to see my secretive little friends.


Current Full-Tank Shot


View From My Bed


The Far Side


Red Macro Algae


White Pipe Organ (Prawn Goby Clubhouse)


Front Island Rock


Toffee Colored Pallies


Da Goby





1. Three gallon CPR Pico C

2. Hydor Return Pump

3. Fluval Edge Heater

4. Hydor Smart Level ATO

5. Tom's Aqualifter



1. Finnex Ray 2 Marine LED


Filtration Media:

1. Live rock rubble in a bag

2. Chemi-pure

3. Activated Carbon Filter Pads

4. 1 or 2 pounds of live rock

5. 1.5 inch live sand bed, black.



1. Nassarius Snails (3)

2. Ninja Star Snails (2)

3. Red Legged Hermits (2)

4. Flaming Prawn Gobies (2)



1. Neon Green Leather Tree

2. Toffee Pallies

3. White Pipe Organ



Enjoy watch my pair of gobies if they happen to come out. I also may add a couple corals, right now I am thing a blue bubble tipped mushroom and a small anenome shrimp to host it. Love to hear ya'lls ideas.

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Also how to make my pics show up on page?

on the image page on photobucket copy (on the right) the code labeled IMG - just click to copy it, and paste it here.



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  • 3 months later...
land shark

Did your gobies ever pair up or do they stay in their own territories? I am trying to find more info on pairing these guys. I have made some progress on MOFIB but nothing definative. I go by Spikefin there. I have posted on some other threads aswell(might start a thread on this).

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