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Mantis Shrimp Mayhem Tank - A study in 6.8 gallons


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I finally pulled together mantis shrimp tank. I still need a few weeks to properly cycle the tank. Then I will work on securing a smaller species mantis shrimp. It is quite a simple tank setup and I am having fun with it.


Tank: Advanced Acrylics custom build. 11" wide x 11" deep x 13" high. 3/8" thick. Corners are rounded.

Filtration: Sicce Micron with a max flow of 65 gph.

Heater: Cobalt Neo-Therm @50 watts.

Sand: CaribSea Hawaiian Black Aragonite

Rock: CaribSea Rubble Rock

Light: TBD. Although I hear that Mantis Shrimp do not need a strong light.


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Any thoughts on an 'appropriate' light for a mantis tank? Meaning not too strong, not to expensive, but will highlight the tank nicely... For those with a mantis tank, what have you done for lighting?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use a Coral Compulsion PAR 38 20K bulb dimmable because i have coral in there also but a PAR 30 would work just as well.


Thanks for the suggestion. I ended up pulling a light off another tank (that doesn't require it). Here's the result. Not the best photo, but it looks fine in person.


Img 20141205 145710

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Now comes the harder part. a) I still have some time before the tank cycles (and I'm impatient!). B) I have to locate a smaller species mantis shrimp. Any suggestions on the second?


Also, any ideas on a hardy coral that might survive mantis shrimp mayhem? I'm thinking of letting GSP run rampant.

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Blue Zoo aquatics has a G. Smithii (purple spot mantis) available right now for 50.00 + 39.00 shipping. That's where i got mine but it's pricey i admit.


Dr Roy Caldwell (the Mantis expert) calls this variety his favorite for nano tanks. I have mine in a 5 gal.

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Blue Zoo aquatics has a G. Smithii (purple spot mantis) available right now for 50.00 + 39.00 shipping. That's where i got mine but it's pricey i admit.


Dr Roy Caldwell (the Mantis expert) calls this variety his favorite for nano tanks. I have mine in a 5 gal.


I think I'll go that route. I'll add in some coral in the same shipment. Hope mine looks like:

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I think I'll go that route. I'll add in some coral in the same shipment. Hope mine looks like:

Thats exactly what mine looks like that i got from them. you can check out my Mantis build in my signature. It's a pretty interesting thread.

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Thats exactly what mine looks like that i got from them. you can check out my Mantis build in my signature. It's a pretty interesting thread.


Awesome to hear. Done. I'm now following your thread. I especially enjoyed the video. At one point your mantis shows a dash of speed. Never knew they could move that fast!


Now I have to pray to the Gods of Cycling for a fast tank cycle.

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If you can get it locally, throw in a bottle of "Bio Spira" by Instant ocean. Closest thing to an instant cycle that you will find.

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If you can get it locally, throw in a bottle of "Bio Spira" by Instant ocean. Closest thing to an instant cycle that you will find.


I couldn't find the "Bio Spira" but I did find a small bottle of Dr. Tim's Aquatics One and Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria. Just dumped its contents unceremoniously into my tank... heheh...

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Order placed to be delivered this Friday! I was only going to order the mantis shrimp... but free shipping once you reach a certain total has a certain appeal.

I am starting to get a bit excited. Scratch that. I am pretty excited.



  • Purple Spot Mantis Shrimp - 1.25" to 2.25"
  • Purple Organ Pipe Coral - 3" to 4"
  • Green Star Polyp - up to 2.5"
  • Green People Eaters - 4"
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My mantis shrimp arrived on Friday and he is alive and well! The one thing is that he hasn't eaten anything yet. I loaded the tank with 3 small hermit crabs to hunt. I also tried positioning a raw piece of shrimp next to him. No go. Is this normal??


Also, my mantis has decided not to use the pipe I so carefully arranged for him. Rather, he is wedged into the back corner of the tank between rubble rocks.


What experiences have you had in acclimating a mantis shrimp to a new tank?

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Hmm... Anyone have a good tip for taking a better pic of the mantis shrimp while it is in it's darkened layer? I tried the flash on my cell phone. All that did was bounce the flash off the aquarium glass.

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Good point. The rock is actually fairly secure as it is resting on the pvc pipe. The other day the mantis shrimp was whacking away at it.. but seems to have settled on living in the pvc pipe instead.


And... it seems the hermit crabs didn't last too long. I found my mantis shrimp hugging the remnants of a shell today!



Nice start! Just be careful that the large rock can not tumble if/when the mantis starts digging.

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If you haven't seen the YouTubes of Betty the Peacock Mantis, go there....they are hilarious. Try putting a couple dice in the tank and watch what yours does!

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If you haven't seen the YouTubes of Betty the Peacock Mantis, go there....they are hilarious. Try putting a couple dice in the tank and watch what yours does!


That's hilarious. I might just have to try that.

Fluffy has decided today that he is not in a social mood. He won't even take a chunk of raw shrimp from a chopstick!

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ive been in the hospital having both knees replaced so i haven't been following but everything you are observing seems perfectly normal to me. When Clarence first arrived he hid all over and was reclusive but now (2 months later) he OWNS the tank.


Yesterday i tried feeding him a piece of raw shrimp from the store. He didn't eat it but kept marching around the tank with the shrimp piece in hand, holding it up to the glass. I brought my face close to the glass and as soon as he was sure he had my attention, he flung the shrimp toward my face and went into his den.


I knew what he was trying to tell me so i fished out the shrimp piece and dropped in his usual live hermit which he immediately dragged into his den and feasted on it. These guys are scary smart.

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ive been in the hospital having both knees replaced so i haven't been following but everything you are observing seems perfectly normal to me. When Clarence first arrived he hid all over and was reclusive but now (2 months later) he OWNS the tank.


Yesterday i tried feeding him a piece of raw shrimp from the store. He didn't eat it but kept marching around the tank with the shrimp piece in hand, holding it up to the glass. I brought my face close to the glass and as soon as he was sure he had my attention, he flung the shrimp toward my face and went into his den.


I knew what he was trying to tell me so i fished out the shrimp piece and dropped in his usual live hermit which he immediately dragged into his den and feasted on it. These guys are scary smart.


Glad to know that his behavior is okay. So far, he seems to prefer the live stuff, to raw shrimp. He comes out of his den once in a while, but mainly when I am not around. Agreed, they seem crazy smart. Here is a picture of Fluffy from this morning..


Fluffy at home

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