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Just to Start my 10g LR Lighting.

Deleted User 8530

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Deleted User 8530

I have just Set up Or Upgraded my 2.5g for a 10g. I wanted to Just let it "simmer" til October With nothing But LR in it. It came with a 15w Flouresent Reptile Glow Light. Will This work? Or Is it too much UV light for the rock and fish? It doest have a Peice of Glass infront of the bulb so Im thinking it Would hurt it. BTW I also get ~4ish Hours of Direct Sunlight through the window were the tank is (just if that makes a Diffrence of anything ;)) Well your Help Rely Apreciated!

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you may start getting bad algea from the direct sunlight... unless you use only purified water and do frequent WCs

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