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PicO Skimmer 2.0 WHY?


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I'm pretty new at this hobby and have been at it less than a year and usually run "pico" sized tanks.

Ever since i started almost all the posts i've read about protein skimmers on Picos say they are next to useless on these small tanks and water changes take care of most all nutrient export.


All of a sudden, everyone with a pico size tank wants the new PicO Aquariums 2.0 skimmer and looks at it as almost a "must have" piece of equipment..



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Having a skimmer is going to allow for more feeding and more leeway with water changes, in case you don't have a routine schedule or have to postpone it once in a while. A lot of people feed heavily because it's wonderful for growth, but you need to be able to keep up with nutrient export and a skimmer's a good way to do that. Since the PicO skimmer's tiny, doesn't add heat (which is an issue in smaller tanks), and can run in like 4" of water, it's a really good option. Plus, the skimmate gets routed elsewhere so you're not fiddling with a cup that may or may not fall off or whose lid is tighter than the cup itself or whatever other problems some other nano skimmers have.

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Having a skimmer is going to allow for more feeding and more leeway with water changes, in case you don't have a routine schedule or have to postpone it once in a while. A lot of people feed heavily because it's wonderful for growth, but you need to be able to keep up with nutrient export and a skimmer's a good way to do that. Since the PicO skimmer's tiny, doesn't add heat (which is an issue in smaller tanks), and can run in like 4" of water, it's a really good option. Plus, the skimmate gets routed elsewhere so you're not fiddling with a cup that may or may not fall off or whose lid is tighter than the cup itself or whatever other problems some other nano skimmers have.



It's basically a skimmer for small tanks with a tiny profile - they aren't useless, but most skimmers are too big. Therefore because they are so large, take up so much room and water changes of a gallon or so replace so much water in a pico, they are "useless".


Many people want a skimmer in their pico, though, without giving up much room. This gives them a good option. Easy to use, easy to clean, looks nice, does its job. If he sold them to the general public, I'd buy one eventually. I wanted the gnome glass skimmer before and then the PicO skimmer before both went away.

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It's basically a skimmer for small tanks with a tiny profile - they aren't useless, but most skimmers are too big. Therefore because they are so large, take up so much room and water changes of a gallon or so replace so much water in a pico, they are "useless".


Many people want a skimmer in their pico, though, without giving up much room. This gives them a good option. Easy to use, easy to clean, looks nice, does its job. If he sold them to the general public, I'd buy one eventually. I wanted the gnome glass skimmer before and then the PicO skimmer before both went away.


The PicO skimmer's back, though, isn't it? $70 or so?

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It certainly isn't needed on a pico and water changes are more effective. BUT.... having both is more effective than just water changes :)


The typical nano skimmers have a lot of parts, and pumps, and they are kind of a pain in the ass and often spew micro bubbles everywhere..... The PicO skim is simple and zero micro bubbles escape.


I needed something with zero heat for my temperate tank since I have a lot of anemone mouths to feed and slow acting bacteria (which leads to increased nutrients). This skimmer is perfect for it.

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The PicO skimmer's back, though, isn't it? $70 or so?

I thought he was only selling to people who were ordering Pico tanks from him? He said something like that here on NR at one point, that he was only making enough of the skimmers to go with the tanks?

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I thought he was only selling to people who were ordering Pico tanks from him? He said something like that here on NR at one point, that he was only making enough of the skimmers to go with the tanks?


No, he had a promotion and put them on sale for anyone who wanted to order.


They are still available on his website (though not on sale now).


You even responded to his thread... lol :slap:http://www.nano-reef.com/topic/350589-introducing-the-pico-skim-20/

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I thought he was only selling to people who were ordering Pico tanks from him? He said something like that here on NR at one point, that he was only making enough of the skimmers to go with the tanks?


Huh. Maybe at one point? But they're on the website! :]

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I was in the same boat as you. Everywhere I read said a skimmer is useless for pico for the reasons you listed. But I was part of the group that pre-ordered because of the following reasons:


  1. Cost is low. $80 is relatively cheap for a skimmer.
  2. My PicO S III already has the space for it so I dont need to mod anything. Just drop it in.
  3. It can't hurt to have a skimmer. I plan to feed more, and having a skimmer can help get rid of excess nutrients. It may not be 100% necessary, but same can be said for supplements, expensive LED fixtures, inTank media baskets, MP10, etc. Corals can grow without those things, but it's our strive to maximize growth that make us spend $$$ on stuff.
  4. I like shiny new toys.
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srsly though the guys who go skimmerless on the big tanks often just run their skimmers to where the foam head doesn't reach the cup. think of it as an uber airstone if it isnt pulling dark gunk for ya.

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  • 1 month later...

Shamelessly bumping an older thread for more info.


You guys with skimmers in your Picos - Are you running any carbon or purigen/media in the chambers? Or do you forgo any of that and just have a skimmer?


I love how clear chemipure makes my water. Would think I couldnt get that with a skimmer.

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i still run carbon / phosguard / purigen with skimmer

What air pump did you run with your MAME skimmer? I'm planning on picking up the same thing.

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Would anyone who has one be able to give a review of it? I have not been able to find mention of them yet after someone purchased one.


My review, "works well, and looks good doing it." Mine was pulling all sorts of nasty out of my tank within the first week. I'm running it with a Whisper 20 and it's great. Quiet and easy to use. I highly recommend it.

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