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Feather Duster Help


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So I picked up 2 large feather dusters, the smaller one came out right away and seems to be happy. The larger one was partially out of his tune when the lights where on, but as soon as the lights went off he crawled out of his tube. He still has his crown and seems to be moving around. Should I move his old tube to a place he can get back in it? Or should I just leave him and let him do his thing?

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I would just let him be and see what happens, but thats just my opinion and I've never had a feather duster.


Though, you could try putting the tube in a way that he can go back in if he wants.

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From what I've read, crawling out of the tube is that 'straw that broke the camel's back' sign. I wouldn't hold too much hope. And I definitely wouldn't try to force it back into the tube, but maybe placing it back in the worm's way will convince it to move back in.


Meanwhile, check and see what about your tank has upset it badly enough that it feels the need to jump ship. It could just be stress from moving, but there might be some water parameter it's not happy about that the other guy hasn't been too bothered by.

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I moved his old tube so its laying on the sand right next to him. I buried part of his body and he hasn't moved, but we shall see what he does when the lights go off. Ill do a water change tomorrow and see what happens with him

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Sorry for the sideways picture, whenever i post pictures it ends up sideways. It seemed he was hanging partially out of his tube just after I first put him in. Then he came out after lights out and in the morning has just been sitting. So will just keep an eye on him




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  • 5 weeks later...

The big one ended up dying and then the second one disappeared, but i never got a nitrate spike and wasn't going to move my rocks to find him. So I'm assuming he was eaten by my hermits.

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