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How did you get into Reefing?

Dr.Brain Coral

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Dr.Brain Coral

The title says it all. How was it you fell in love with reefing? For me it was when I was visiting my Grandma and We went to a really nice pet store. I am a Huge Reptile Buff and was just coming out of the reptile section when I decided Ill check out the fish. Maybe they will have a Bichir. I walked through all the aisles marveling at the color of cichlids and loachs when I cam to the last isle.. and it was all salt water. I never really liked Saltwater Fish to much aside from Eels and odd looking ones. As I am walking I come across there coral tank and I was instantly captivated. I remember the most beautiful coral to me out of all the Lps and Softies was this tiny little frag of Watermelon zoas. I left but I had already been Infected with The Reefing Disease. I researghed all I could and saved up enough money to Buy a 55 gallon tank but alas I had a change of heart when I saw how much coral sustaining lights are. I went on to plan a freshwater 55 gallon for a year or so. But I couldn't resist and I got back into reefing with plans for a tank modeled afer Sandeeps 5.5. I have changed my plans even from that alot. But enough about me, How did you get into Reefing?

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I always had FW tanks growing up. I bought a 10 gallon tank and put some tropical community fish in there (tetras, gouramis, guppies, and a khuli loach) and it was just too easy I suppose.


I've always loved the beach and the ocean, and I googled "Reef Tank" and this site came up. After about a week of lurking, I decided that a Nano/Pico was right for me. I had no idea SW setups could be done on such a small scale, but NR members were living proof!


I couldn't be happier... I gave my girlfriend my FW setup recently and I just have to worry about my Spec V now!

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I had a tank setting empty and my friends said that would be a nice saltwater tank. It was a 45 gallon corner tank. I started off with a 7.5 gallon and the guy I got the rock from for that had taken down several tanks. I went back and got rock for my corner tank. My friend thought I was crazy what he meant by a saltwater tank was like fish and sand. Yeah right I came online to this site and started reading up before I even got the live rock. Next came the coral for my 7.5 since my corner tank was still cycling. Then a little blue devil which I still have today, she is very peaceful compared to my tomato clown, which was one of my friends first fish.

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My roommate had a 5 gallon planted tank in college. I really liked how peaceful it was and I enjoyed the biology and artistry of growing and aquascaping. I got myself a 10 gallon planted tank and was hooked. Now I have a 4.3 gal AIO alongside my 10 planted tank.

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Been into community freshwater for several years. Had been seeing pics of reef tanks (sps tanks) online and the colors were just insane. So I read and read and read and read and then I read some more and finally decided to join a forum and go for it. Without the internet theres no way I would have got into it, very little help locally for it.

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I had FW tanks when I was a kid, then I went snorkeling in Hawaii and the Bahamas and was hooked by all the beautiful colors I saw.... So I made the mistake of I buying a small tank and a clown (petco didn't have shit for selection and coral was laughable at best) at the same time, AND THEN joined a forum (wish I would of done it the other way around, but the clown is still with me atleast)....it has become a severe addiction since. :D

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I just have an obsession with the ocean. So many unknown and fascinating things. I decided one day to just buy a tank and start a reef even though I had never even seen one in person before. I am so very very much land locked in Minnesota... I just have to bring the ocean here.

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I was complaining to my girlfriend one day about how much I like going to aquariums but the nearest one was like five hours away. She said something along the lines of why don't you start your own. The light bulb came on and the rest was history. After a short stint in freshwater wasn't enough for me I decided to go full blown reef.

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I always had FW in high school and college but when my hubby and me bought a house there was an inset in the living room just crying for a fish tank. We bought a 40g XH which was a big tank in 1986. It housed some beautiful angels, cichlids, barbs, parrot fish and many others into the late 90s when I began working for a LFS. I switched over to SW which I got my oldest son interested in as well. He took the plunge into corals first. So I upgraded my lighting and mooched frags from him.LOL. That was around 2004 and I've been addicted ever since.

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My cuz, took me to a local fish store in southern cali. While i was there i noticed a 12 gallon bio cube that had a small half circle chip out of the top of the tank. Lady working the store said she would give it to me with sand and rock for 50 bucks. Went home set it up and its been a battle for more money for more corals and tanks.

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I had freshwater of different sizes, 20 to 60 gallon. I stated up a 30g planted, and it was pretty but I wanted a reef after visiting this site and seeing so many beautiful simple setups like the July tank of the month 2013, very inspirational. I sold off all my plants and my tiny Danio margaritatus, celestial pearl danios.. They were beautiful and breeding like crazy. I wish I had room for them all.

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My dad has always had FW aquariums but my uncle had a FOWLR system that I absolutely adored. However, my dad and uncle both gave up the hobby a few years ago stating that it was too much work, which truthfully kept me from even considering starting a tank for awhile. Then one day my co-worker gave me a little 3 gallon tank for free and I started my first FW planted tank. As I started to build my FW tank, I began visiting LFS w/ salt water and reef tanks. After seeing all those wonderful set ups, corals, fish, and the inverts (I adore inverts), I had to have one of my own. And so the obsession/addiction began.

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I watched finding nemo like every other marine tank owner lol









... Only joking

Always had fresh water fish , carp, tench,orfe

I'm a big time fisherman been fishing since was 10 started sea fishing now I carp fish

Every time you go to buy some koi etc you see these vibrant colours and I always wanted a tank


Well you can't have tropical there nothing on marine

So my wife brought me my first tank a month ago

Its been all reef and my other love is my car Which has taken a backseat

All my friends find that wierd

Thanks for reading :)

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She sounds like a keeper.

Haha, yeah. We'll see if she eventually comes to regret those words. "Hey babe, we really don't use the guest room all that much, and I was thinking about putting in a modest 20,000 gallon tank. Thoughts?"

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Yeah steel beams under one room lol


The neighbours would be wondering what the he'll is going on




There was a documentary on tv in UK

Some bloke had converted his cellar to a massive shark and Ray tank in a terraced house


Wtf it was very tight

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When I was a kid I was able to go on a walk thru of a Deep Sea Rover on a large science boat in San Diego. I grew up in SoCal and always loved the ocean. But, seeing the Deep Sea Rover made me interested in the Biology of the ocean. The same day, I went to Coronado and found a book written by Robert Frenner called the The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. I bought the book and fell in love. I found a LFS and never looked back. Started a FOWLR and made all the rookie mistakes. I just regret the large time span in my 20's when I didn't have a tank. Then I found Nano-Reef in 2012. Started the trend all over and I couldn't be happier.

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I asked my wife if we could get a dog for my birthday. She said no but my mother in law bought me a tank and a gift card to the pet store. (Against my wife's will) I don't want a dog anymore. My tank is way more fun.

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Always loved visiting the ocean on vacations.


Finding Nemo started my saltwater hobby. The Christmas after that movie came out I started my first saltwater tank, which would eventually lead into a nano reef. 8 years would pass before I started another one.

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I couldn't have a dog at the Apt I was renting and wanted my office to look fancy like a Doctor.

Plus I had nothing else to do as I moved after College to take a job. So no friends, no human contact but N-R. lol

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