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Something growing on my blasto


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It's basically harmless until it begins to irritate the coral (probably even beneficial, since it filters the water so close to the coral). At that point, feel free to break/pluck it away. Pineapple sponges are pretty coarse and should come off in one piece.

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Definitely a pineapple sponge like others have pointed out - I suggest letting it stay there as long as you possibly can since it won't hurt the coral and is an invert that is good to promote. Once baby polyps are all around the main blasto polyp you'll have to remove it so it can grow evenly, but until then no reason to remove it.


I say that because they are great filter feeders and don't need light, so getting them growing in dark areas of your tank or filling your sump is less space and nutrients for algae to grow. The more you have the more you'll be able to feed your tank and since they like roughly the same size particles as many SPS, it'll allow much less waste if you broadcast feed your SPS. My sump used to be filled to the brim with them before I moved and I am waiting fo them to re-colonize. IMO they are great.

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