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Innovative Marine Aquariums



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First off im new to saltwater fish keeping. Ive kept freshwater fish off and on for about 17 years. After agonizing over the loss of my 180 gallon tank to a bad fall while moving :( and having to rehome my koi and 12in pleco ive decided to delve into reef keeping. Recently I filled the void left by my big tank with eleven 10 gallon tanks and a 40 gallon long! As of right now my plan is as follows:


-Set up a pod farm in a spare 10 gallon tank.

- use 40 gallon breeder as primary sump connected to three 10 gallon display tanks.

- possibly use texas holey rock in display tanks for aesthetics and seed with LR and LS


Stocking list(subject to change)

DT#1: dwarf seahorse herd (H. zosterae) species tank ( may end up as a single display tank later) OR goby/pistol pair with green chromis


DT#2: pair of mandarin introduced together after training ( to be fed on varying foods instead of relying solely on live pods) OR pair of captive bred clowns


DT#3: invert only tank with mushroom corals and sexy shrimp! ( love that name sounds like one of stewies sext parties)


Attached is a sketch of what i want it to look like forgive how some of the lines look it was done with a new app still working out the kinks. In essence there would be three overflows into the sump and a single pump supplying the display tanks. ( three separate returns connected to one return pump) Each return line will have its own ball valve to control flow ( especially if i go with H. zosterae).


Helpful criticism and useful links welcome. Horror and success stories also welcome. Please no negativity on this thread but im no pansy so keep it real! Id rather have honest opinions in order to make informed choices, so lay it on me :-) !

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Cool stuff :) Lets you have different types of tanks without having to buy a lot of different filtration. I have thought about doing something similar.

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IMO i would avoid the mandarins. It's just so much less work for other fish especially if you're new to SW. At least it was for me till he hopped out while i was on vacation (didn't even know those slow ass fish could jump).

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