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Coral Vue Hydros

My CAD Lights 4 Gallon Office Tank


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I work in a cubicle and wanted to have something nice to look at other than beige padded cube walls. It's been at my work desk now for about 3 weeks. It's amazing how many people stop to look and most, are confused. I tell them that I will be placing only corals with no fish and they think dead, bleached corals.


So, I have my CAD Lights set up using natural sea water but dead sand and a one live rock. By the way, the CAD Lights logo is HORRIBLE!


Two days ago I tested for

  • Ammonia which was < 1
  • Nitrite <1
  • Nitrate <3

Monday, I will be adding two frags from my reef tank at home.





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Like the scape this is cool, it'll be fun to have something colourful to look at

I really didn't have a choice - It's just one rock with a hole in it...

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I noticed that I have a hitchhiker starfish (Ophiactis). A few weeks back, I added a bit of raw table shrimp to kick start the cycle. I then, went to a meeting and after, lunch. When I cam back I saw a Ophiactis star no bigger than my pinky fingernail munching on the shrimp. Are first I thought it was just a part of the shrimp until I got my glasses for a better look.


Yesterday I saw him again. He survived the cycle. Poor lil fella... Unless it's bad... In a 4 gallon tank...

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Wats it look like it could be a pest starfish that isn't really a pest just large numbers. I say keep it unless it's like deadly or eat corals

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I love these little tanks !! Be lucky you're able to have a tank at work,I envy you !!!


The starfish is just a brittle star I do believe and you should be fine is he survives.

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Today (and Friday night) I added

Cabbage Green Leather

Green Star Polyps

Orange Tube

Blue Ricordia Mushroom

Candy Cane


All frags from my tank from home. My water parameters are stellar at the moment unfortunately, I haven't seen my little hermit crab for two days now. That makes me sad. Oddly, I can't even see his shell anywhere! I even lifted the rock and looked on the bottom with no sign of him. I'll add a bit of food tomorrow for it and hope he comes running.






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I love these little tanks !! Be lucky you're able to have a tank at work,I envy you !!!


I do feel lucky. Fact is, I didn't even ask. I just brought it in and filled it with water and left it for 2 weeks and no a word or concern otherwise. In fact, people seemed excited about it. I told them, it's relaxing for me. My last job I could of had one, but they moved me around so much it would have been a pain. I moved 9 times in 2 years there and the desks were cheap.

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Gotta love raggedy work desk !!! Hopefully no management disapproves and ruins it. Hopefully water quality doesn't decline die to havin to feed those beloved dendro's of yours,I've always wanted some,they're awesome :)

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This morning, I saw that my snail had committed suicide by finding the small feeding gap in the top and fell on the desk. I placed him back in the tank for today, if he doesn't show... I will remove him. Stupid snail! *sob


Gotta love raggedy work desk !!! Hopefully no management disapproves and ruins it. Hopefully water quality doesn't decline die to havin to feed those beloved dendro's of yours,I've always wanted some,they're awesome :)


Yes, I know it's a bit of a risk but I think I've got it down to a science. The dendro in my main aquarium is doing quite well and I had accidentally knocked this bit off a few weeks ago during tank maintenance.

Tank looks good so far. Could you give links or info for the equipment you're using?


At the moment, there is no real equipment. The pump is the one that came with the tank and all I added was some additional filtration media and a bit of carbon in a bag. Not even a heater at the moment as my office is at a constant temp and the water is 79 degrees which seems to be stable. I am using real ocean water for this tank as part of an experiment of sorts. But, if there is any changes in equipment, I will post that.

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Originally, I wanted Sun Coral, which looks very much like this I believe but without so much effort. But I do love this coral. It seems to enjoy it's new home so far.





UPDATE: The snail lives!

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I was thinking about what I should do about feeding the dendro.


I wonder if this plan would work? I would spot feed them Thursday night and my weekly water change is Friday morning. That way they would have all night to feast on the bits that are circulating around the tank and other corals would benefit as well.


I use Rodi Feast. They seem to really like it. I never fed a 4 gallon tank before, this should be interesting.



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Are you using that sponge in the back or leaving everything empty? I noticed my flow went up by removing it and it as it "the tank can breath" now.


What media are you running?

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Are you using that sponge in the back or leaving everything empty? I noticed my flow went up by removing it and it as it "the tank can breath" now.


What media are you running?


I am using the sponge, and a fiber floss (small amount) and 1/4 cup or less of carbon and that's it. I never thought about NOTHING in the back. Would that be a good idea? I mean, I do a weekly water change.

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I found the sponge clogged and trapped a lot of crud and eventually grew algae and slowed the flow... removed it and water moves much better through the back...


i was just curious...

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I found the sponge clogged and trapped a lot of crud and eventually grew algae and slowed the flow... removed it and water moves much better through the back...


i was just curious...

I did the same, removed the sponge and add some lr in that chamber and flow is amazing


Originally, I wanted Sun Coral, which looks very much like this I believe but without so much effort. But I do love this coral. It seems to enjoy it's new home so far.





UPDATE: The snail lives!

BTW great location you have for the dendro :)

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I did the same, removed the sponge and add some lr in that chamber and flow is amazing

LR? I can't seem to figure out what that is! LOL! This is my first tiny tank... I need all the help and suggestions I can.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, it's been up and running for couple of months now and - knock on wood - everything seems to be going quite well. Under the pressure of co-workers I was nearly forced to add a fish. I had to wonder, if 4 gallons would be suitable for a fish. I decided to get a juvenile clown goby. If he gets too big, I will transfer him to my 30 gallon tank. He seems to be quite happy here though for the time being.

I work with about 200 hundred people who have decided to give him a name. The little guy arrived on Monday and, through our company water cooler email, blew up with name offers. So popular he was, he is slated for time next Friday in our company wide meeting to settle on a name.

I'm fairly new to this company and often wondered if I was in fact, able to keep a small aquarium in my office. But, last week I had a visitor looking at my tank and complementing me on it. He was interested and worried that it might not be warm enough for the inhabitants. Turns out he was the President and CEO! So I guess it's official, I get to have my pico in my office! YAY!



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Awesome little tank! I have been debating on taking my new 6 gallon to work and placing it in my office cube. As you have experienced, I think it would make a very interesting addition to the work environment.

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