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Clown Trouble


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So my clownfish used to be friendly to my yellow banded wrasse and my yasha. However, it seems as he grows he's getting more and more mean! This has caused my wrasse to hide all day and my yasha hides in his cave. Thoughts on stopping this? I have a 16g nuvo. My best guess would be to trade in for another fish, but not sure what I should go with? Thoughts?

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I'd make him or her sit in time out every time he or she's acting like a bully. No but for real the only way to solve the problem would be to get rid of him. He'll never stop being a bully. Once a bully always a bully.

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I'd make him or her sit in time out every time he or she's acting like a bully. No but for real the only way to solve the problem would be to get rid of him. He'll never stop being a bully. Once a bully always a bully.

Ya thats what I figured. Any recommendations on a replacement since I have a wrasse and goby, I need an open water swimmer thats docile! LOL.

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yeah, I kinda agree.. it's either in them or it's not, can't be changed.. my older clown that I got first (now the bigger/dominant/female clown) is a perfect well behaved community fish and is NEVER aggressive, however the smaller clown I got more recently (they are now paired, so he is the subordinate/male) is pretty aggressive and territorial, though he doesn't really bother anyone..


I can feed the older clown by hand and she's a very friendly fish, the younger one bites me when I put my hand in the tank.. completely opposite personalities..

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Clowns are territorial fish. It's hit or miss for them to be docile in a smaller tank when there is other fish around...If rearranging your rocks haven't worked you might possibly have to get a bigger tank(assuming your clown has grown substantially) sounds like its a matter of territory now for your clown


Hope this helps.

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+1, my clown was aggressive in a 12g and even a 20g. Now she is in a 45g and as peaceful as can be.


Probably pissed about living in a studio apartment with so many roommates.


I would try taking her out of the tank for a week in a QT, then re-introducing.

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