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Innovative Marine Aquariums

how big can an aiptasia grow


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Hey i'm trying to grow the biggest aiptasia possible, any tips. What is the best food for them? How quick do they grow? at present i have like 5+ but my largest is only 1/2 inch tall and 1/4 inches wide. I also understand that most of you probbably hate them, but remember if dandelions were rare and tough to grow people would plant them in their yards as decoration :)

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I don't think they get that large, LFS here has a "Pest tank" and they give a lot of that stuff away for free and largest one I've seen in their tank was in between the size of a quarter and silver dollar.

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Another reason I ask is because I have heard aquarists tales of 3 inch aiptasia in the unseen parts of their aquariums, I thought oh cool i should try that with mine I got last week, i started with 2 but i wanted to move my original biggest on a rock for it to look prettier it thenrpped apart and the mini hims are every where now, kinda funny.

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Back long ago we use to grow them in a small tank to feed my Momma's CBB, the largest we got was probably 2" across atleast. we were going for alot of small ones tho, so we would chop up the larger ones from time to time and let the pieces grow into more babies for the fish

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The DT at a local petco has some massive aiptasia. So large they eat small fish and any shrimp they put in the tank. I'd say fully stretched out, they are 3 to 4 inches tall with an oral disk about 2 maybe 3 inches in diameter. The tank is absolutely littered with them though. Most corals in the tank are dead or dying because of it.

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Sadly there are no crappy ones they keep their saltie tanks clean-ish only really small aiptasia and other pests, thats where I purcaced mine from a Petco lol. But how can I grow mine quicker then at present, I individually feed mine frozen krill (chopped up) but they sometimes refuse :(

4 inches, I would love that size!

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from my experience, if your looking for big aptisia, don't bother much with water quality, I cant remember ever changing water in the aptisia farm, but they grew like mad, I wish I had pictures, there wasn't a single nem that didn't touch another when they were stretched out.

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Wow, I have like 10 now after accidentally tearing one in half thying to move him on a rock for viewing pleasure. I'll try the shrimp :)

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