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Powers out!


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So I just woke up and found out the power has been out for about an hour at my house, I wanted to know what precautions I need to take with the tank, I'm not worried about temp they all are fine but what do I need to worry about the most? Water movement? And tips or help would be appreciated.

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Aeration is usually the big concern - depending on your stocking level you can start to see signs of stress within 2-3 hours. Easiest thing is to set up a drip of tank water (think a reverse of the normal drip acclimation setup) to break the surface and set up a standing ripple to promote gas exchange. You can also gently stir the tank with a large kitchen spoon every 15-30 minutes to keep a little flow happening.


You can keep refilling the container as long as you need to. I've kept my nano going in this fashion through a couple of prolonged outages over the past couple of years.

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I wouldn't of thought of the drip line that's a good idea, word around the neighborhood is a transformer blew so at least it's not widespread, they say power should be back up within a few hours. Thanks bulk rate

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Just for the future, I recently went to Walmart and bought an airpump to keep minnows alive that is battery powered. It was like 5 dollars or something and says for use in fresh and saltwater. It might be handy to have if this happens again and its going to be an extended amount of time.

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Just for the future, I recently went to Walmart and bought an airpump to keep minnows alive that is battery powered. It was like 5 dollars or something and says for use in fresh and saltwater. It might be handy to have if this happens again and its going to be an extended amount of time.

Yes.. break out the air pump. As soon as you get it all hooked up, the power will come back on. works like a charm!

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Yeah, the backup air pump's a good thing to have on hand and will do in a pinch. But it's one of those things that you might not have until after you've already needed it, once. Bonus in that most will run for 9-12 hours on a set of rechargeable AA's.


Hence the reverse drip line option - most everybody's got some kind of tubing, a cup/pitcher & gravity lying around. ;)


MikeTR - too true about the power coming back on right after mitigating its absence!

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Yea I thought about getting one of the bubble boxes for minnows, I'm just using the drip like method for now though, it's working well!

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Powers back on guys! Thanks for the help, i'll probably pick up one of those bubble boxes for the future!

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