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Dr. Tim's is awesome -- Great customer service!


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I bought a bottle of Dr. Tim's One and Only from Amazon. It ended up being an old product with limited or no viability. I contacted Dr. Tim's customer service, and they responded very quickly with a couple of questions. Before I knew it, they sent out a replacement bottle that arrived in two business days. When I added it to my tank, I could tell that it was a much fresher product. The previous bottle was full of particulates that looked kind of like snow flakes. It didn't reduce my ammonia at all after four days. After just two hours in my tank, the ammonia was reduced from about 2ppm to 0.25ppm. That's pretty fast! I will definitely be a repeat customer of theirs.

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I agree that his customer service is great. In fact when I had an issue several weeks ago, he called me back personally to discuss it.


But and thats a big but. I did a whole bunch of research on his products and came up with some very interesting and potentially money saving news (to the purchasers of his products) about how he commercially developed and marketed his effective but overpriced bacteria. Thats all i'm going to say for now but look for a review of his bacteria within another week or two under "product reviews"

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