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Hermit Crab Grudge Match?


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I'm going to try and keep this as non-rambly as possible:

I have a Nuvo 16 with 3 blue-legged hermit crabs. They were the first things I put in my tank.

The tank has been running for 4 mo. now but there seems to be a bit of a grudge between one of my crabs and another that is at least twice it's size. Over the months I've occasionally found the big one wrapped around the little one's shell looking like it's trying to get at the smaller crab. I can usually just flick the big one away and things go OK for a few days.


So last night I found the big one attached to the little one again and try to flick him off. Instead he roll's to the back of the tank with the little one still firmly in its grip. It was late and I had to get up early the next morning so I think "Fine, whatever. Eat each other! I'm not even mad"

I woke up and the crabs were in the exact same place they were the night before. The shells are together in such a way that I can't even see the crabs save for a leg of the big one. I figure either they murdered each other OR one is busy eating the other. Whatever, got to go to work.

I come home and both crabs are walkin' around sassy as you please.

Any thoughts on what's going on?

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Do you have extra shells in the tank for them to swap out like a used car lot?


I do have shells of various sizes lying around. What's strange is the big crab is the one that seems to go after the little one and he is *at least* twice the size. Would a big crab try to fit into a smaller shell??

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No but would a big crab try to get some lovin' from a demure female maybe? Maybe that's the situation. Maybe they had horny crab sex last night so they're all acting today like nothin' eva happened!

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Reef Hollister

He would if it were a better fit. Get some empty shells for them and see if that takes care of the problem. With hermits you always need empty shells for them.

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My blue legs do this sometimes for 2 days without moving and then they all meet up on Zoa island later for food and a chat. No worries just crab society.

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Likely mating. Anything else and you'd be looking at one empty shell and the other crab missing at least one leg or claw.

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