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Updated Pics with T5 lights (graphics intense...)


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i think considering at the moment my funds are low i am going to go for the watford aquariums starcoat T5.


my ques is sahin it says it will did wiring up and then u need some of those leads at the end but is so confusing do ya buy two or one


hep appreciated


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R*Frost* if you are looking for the best lighting in t5. The Watford t5 kit is really to retrofit hoods or supplement MH. Note that there are no reflectors and i know people who have been using NO reflectors which produces over dispersion reducing the light intensity.


STM do a complete 3ft t5 unit for £99 , no wiring and seagull t5 reflectors




The t5 lampholder you need 1 pair = £7.74 per tube


So a 2 * quicktronic ballast would require to 2 leads and 2 tubes.



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That is more then enough light macnreef. Clams and Sps need alot of light but your running 12 watts per gallon of PC light thats TONS and you could grow sps or clams easy.


SPS might not color up under any amount of PC light because they dont emit enough UV to color them but other then that you should be able to keep them.

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Hi there. I do visit STM, its a great little LFS.


I bought my T5 kit from Watford as said.


I didnt like the T5's too much. Coral growth just wasnt as good. My theory is that its something to do with a lack of decent colour spectrum for reef use.


Anyway, I did have the small maxima and the Large Crocea. I bought those because I belived in the hype about T5's. I had the give the clams back when I noticed that they werent growing.


I still have my med sized maxima which is purple in colour with metallic blue lines. It has did grow a little under the T5's but its growth is better with my NO light setup which I chose the various colour temp tubes for clam growth.


I typically get one new line of shell growth on this maxima per month.

New shell growth can easily be seen as the new shell parts are bright white in colour while the older shell parts turn darker/get covered in coralline etc


As for the amount of light; I agree it seems quite low for clams (now only 1 clam though), however I chose the tubes well, and the tank is very shallow.

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Very nice. How do you keep it so clean? I am kind of a glass cleaning nut but even your powerheads are spotless! Nice job.


T-5's have been around the US for a very long time. My daughters Eclipse 3 came with a stock T-5 in the hood. Home Depot has had them for years (just hard to find a good color temp in Home Depot). There are plenty of places to get them in the US. http://www.atlantalightbulbs.com has a bunch of T-5 stuff, nothing over 5000k that I saw but they do have a bunch of ballasts but then again, you can get all that from Home Depot, the T-5 ballast is the same as a T-10 I believe. A company by me in Brooklyn makes a nice small electronic ballast for them here http://www.legionlighting.com/new-micro.htm K-Tronik also makes a nice electronic ballast for them at http://www.k-tronik.com/technicaldata/cuts...5-228RSMVP.html


There are thousands of US companies manufacturing these bulbs and ballasts, have been for years. I don't know where the high kelvin bulbs are but I am sure with a little research, they can be found. They may be the rage in Germany, but my research shows they are just skinny NO bulbs, yea you can get 28 watts, for a 2 foot bulb that is. I'll take a 32 watt 12 inch Compact Flourescent over a 2 foot 28 watt for the same price. Actually, considering the 1 foot PC bulb is really 2- 16mm tubes side by side and the T-5 is a single 16mm 2 foot tube, there is no real difference, just the dimensions.


Don't get me wrong, this is in no way a shot at Sahin, I think his tank and lights are great. It is just I have seen these T-5 bulbs around for a long time and it seems people are ready to start to order across the globe for high shipping rates for some "new" technology and I thought I would shed some light.

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  • 2 months later...

so.... yeah, someone finally slaped on their logo.


read the caption on the last picture (:D :D :D )

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Umm...this isn't a lighting question if you'd like a break from that.


My question's about the large, whitish LPS in the back next to the maxima, the one with the odd-shaped bubbly polyps. I have seen it called a pearl coral, although my LFS had no clue what it is. I just got a similar specimen (mine's skeleton is in the long, ridge type) and haven't found much online about it. Do you have a scientific name for it or any tips or experiences I need to know about?


Nice tank, by the way.

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deacon hemp

Kalanianole i'll point you in the right direction,it's a pearl bubble coral,it is an lps and i don't know the scientific name for it but do a search for pearl bubble coral on googles you'll get some info.


heres a tip hand feed it with a piece of shrimp once in a while.

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I believe that coral is Physogyra lichtensteini, called a pearl coral, or a grape coral, or a small bubble coral. It's closely related to Plerogyra, the normal larger bubble coral, but there are a few minor differences. Care is pretty much like the normal bubble corals, but they tend to retract alittle more and "the main skeletal difference is that the meanders of Physogyra are fused in a common corallite wall rather than having unbound lateral edges". There's a nice little bit of info on them in Eric Borneman's Aquarium Corals book (I love that book, btw), which is where I got the above info from. I have had one for a long time and it's a pretty large colony that can swell pretty big, produce some wicked sweepers, is very hardy, and is a nice brownish-pink color, though I've recently been seeing more "white" morphs at my LFS. Hope that helps. :)



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