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Updated Pics with T5 lights (graphics intense...)


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Here is the updated pics of my tank running with the T5 lights.


First up is the whole tank pic. Apologies for the crappy quality. The camera doesn take pics far away from the tank, but takes good closeups. :|



Next is the left side:









Now for some corals: First up is the Hydnophora. This SPS has an awesome green colour, the pic does not to it justice, honestly.



Here is the Maxima Clam:



And finaly, one coral I always seem to take excellent pics with, my PipeOrgan coral. Growing nicely too. And bought for only £1 as a tiny frag. :)



The Hydophora, the other SPS and clam I bought just a few days ago from STM. All other corals were present in my tank either since setup or a while later. I got rid of a frogspawn that grew too large, as well as a leather coral which just grew so big it shadowed a large part of the right side of tank. I will be possibly buying a few more clams and maybe one or two SPS frags if space allows and as well as the colours must be different from anything I already have.


Well, hope you like it. Put a lot of work into this tank.

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Well done Sahin. Everytime I see your tank it gets better. You definitely have one of the nicer systems on this board. Gotta admit, when I look at the space you have and how you've made use of it, I kick myself for going with a 10g.


Maximas look great! What sort of feeding regimen are you using? And what exactly is T5 lighting? Is it a type of HO florescent or something different? Good job man, keep it up!

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Thanks satchmo.

The space is nice, though filling those spaces costs a lot :)


I havent began feeding the maxima yet.

I will buy some phyto later on the week and possibly feed the clam or else I might even try culture my own stuff...not sure yet.


T5's are so called because of the tube diameter (eg T12, T8), and with these new lighting systems the term T5 just kinda stuck with it. They are infact high output tubes, and at one point many UK reefers and LFS's said they will replace MH's. But now its accpeted that they are a good alternative to MH's on shallow tanks. They are being now used extensively over in Germany for many reef setups (containing SPS/clams etc).

However they are not a point source light, and therefore you wont get the INTENSITY of halides.


The lights take a few mintues to light up brightly; they operate most efficiently at 35C. This is about the same as the old NO tubes I had (which come to think, actually felt hotter to the touch).


Well, I am happy with what I see now, hopefully in a few months I'll be able to see just how good they are when I check the coral growth.

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Very nice. The color temp looks killer. Do you have any pics of the lighting. I'm interested to see the t5 setup. I really like your rockwork as well.....



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Thanks for the compliments. :)


Dave ESPI: who else but you would have a complaint. hehehe :P Your right though!

As always... ;)


Below is a pic of the lighting--before I hooked it up. Nothing more to it. I paid £60 ($96US) for this DIY kit. Well worth the price I paid for.


An actual unit would cost me about £200, which is more expensive than a 150w MH unit. :(


But £60 is just lovely. I would have needed to spend almost this amount in about 6 months time to replace the NO tubes.


jtown: I clean the front glass only. I use a very strong algae magnet.

The sides do have loads of little feather dusters and the rear has lots of hard green algae, which I aint bothered to remove. I clean every few days so nothing gets a chance to attach properly.

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AWESOME! Gorgeous tank. The clam is amazing. I think you should start feeding as soon as you can. Especially if it is under 3 inches. Also what are the dimensions of your tank?

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yrureefing: Thanks, the clam is about 1.75inches. I will drop by at the LFS today and I will pick something up.


The tank dimensions are:

36L x 12W x 13H (24H approx)

Lights are 2x39watts (1x6.5K, 1x20K)


I will be adding a 25w NO 9.5K tube to give an all round supplement, but waiting for the corals and clams to acclimatise to the current higher level of light.


NanoReefer53: wanna pay for the huge shipping cost? :) I wouldnt trust safe delivery to your door of 2-3ft 16mm diameter tubes in one piece. :P

Not sure about the amps.

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eduardo cavalcanti


awesome pictures. i loved the maximas clams. i didin´t know maximas could be kept with such low light. for how long you have it? it´s thriving?

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As others have said, your tank keeps getting better and better! I really like the color of your new lighting. You got a Clam! w00p! Good luck and keep up the good work!



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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...


Where did you get that pic? Are you running T5?



Question, I see you are running two 36W lamps, how in the world are you growing maximas? I have 2-55W and 2-65W pc on my 20H and I was told that I can not grow sps and clams under that low of lighting...actually, some sps and some clams. Do you think it would be a good idea to upgrade to the new T5 bulbs. Or do you think that I have plenty of light for sps and clams? Where do you get them?


Thanx, BTW, sweet tank!

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Also, what filtration are you running? I currently run a 10g fuge, would this help with sps and clams? Or would a protein skimmer only be better? Unfortunately, due to space, I can only run one or the other!



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real nice tank sahin i was thinking off using STM's T5 lighting or some brand i live in the UK and i suspect u do. Did u visit the branch in kent?


what type of bulbs do ya have.


replay appreciated Simon

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Damn, it is in England or something...does anyone in the us sell them? And I don't know how to covert money, so I don't know how much they are asking. Altho, I guess it don't matter since shipping would be crazy from there to here!



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Yeap its England, I know from personal experience t5 tubes and couriers never mix AX) As they are very fragile so i wouldn't bother importing them. I have imported scwd's and other robust pieces from America cheaply.


Personally i would stick with PC as the actinic tubes seem better at the moment. Most T5 actinic are 12k blue tubes which aren't up to much atm.

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