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inTank Media Baskets

Very Upset....


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...with myself. Placed an order the other night and totally forgot to tell Stevie to GFY. Not only that, I neglected to demand an exorbitant amount of Swedish Fish and to compound the issue there was no drawing of a unicorn shucking a bearded clam!!! You call this customer service??? You really should know your customers better. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to be happy with my water getting wetter with some CPB and making sure the water gets there with my new water director to go on my old media tray for my BC8. I'm sure I'll survive, but repeat customer? I'll just have to think about that one.

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You are a commoner unless you tell us to treat you with special needs treatment and tickle your pickle. Shipping Jeff is trained to spot a special needs customer but you need to nudge him as he is special needs himself. Sounds like you need to place another order so we can make you HAPPY.

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You are a commoner unless you tell us to treat you with special needs treatment and tickle your pickle. Shipping Jeff is trained to spot a special needs customer but you need to nudge him as he is special needs himself. Sounds like you need to place another order so we can make you HAPPY.

you make a media basket for an ac30?

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Well, geesh. Hope you boys are having fun just crapping all over my thread! First I get degraded by Mr. T himself. Then I'm told to place ANOTHER order so that they can TRY and make me happy and now you are all off in la-la land talking about selling/buying products that I don't even want! I mean really, would it be that difficult just to console me a lil bit? That's it, I demand that Stevie jet get fueled up and fly its happy ass over here and pick me up. Nothing a lil ho's and blow won't fix. And don't worry, I'll whip out my EBT card to help out when I can.

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Technically as a producer and job creator that is my EBT card.


The only solution here to make you happy is to give me more money. And since it sounds like it's my money to start with spend away like a Nigerian with a bank of stolen credit card numbers.


The jet is getting a deep cleaning, long holiday weekends really make a mess inside.

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Very Concerned...


job security for the wet water crew

quick send me a pm because you saw I liked someones comment

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