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Are my Fish SicK?

i am a clown fish

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i am a clown fish

Hi again everyone. This morning i woke up, and i noticed that my yellow gobby, and my clown fish were colorless, and near the top of the tank. this scared me, obviously becasue i dont want my fish to die, but also that i might have a problem with my water or somthing. After i turned the light on, maybe a bout after about 20 min. or so, they startted swimming again and acting normal. I also noticed some "crap" on the sides of the yellow gobby. It looks like white grains of sand stuck to him, maybe 5 or 8 dots. Other than that everything is normal. What should i do? both fish are eating fine. Thanks everyone!

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The white spots aren't normal.


What IS normal is for your fish to be colorless and hovering in one area right when you first turn the lights on. Fish do actually sleep and it's very normal for them to stay near the top of the tank or near the sand and to lose their color when the lights are off.

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Check you pH what happenes is when your lights go off the pH drops, which could be stressing the fish and getting the ick like spots.

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ich is a good poss in my mind too. i just noticed the same thing with little danny (the yellow-tailed blue damsel). he has one little white spot under right fin. it looks a little big to be an ich dot (the ones ive seen are smaller and there were more than one) but in this case its one pretty large white sore. my gf and i think ich.

any other possibilities? what sould i use to remedy? so many ich treatments have blue dye in them. (at least the ones i know of).



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i am,


I recently purchased a yellow clown goby and when I woke up, it was colorless, on it's side at the top of the tank. Of course I panicked and started wondering what I did wrong, but he came right to live and is happy as can be.


I'm sorry to hear your's might have ich. There are some decent treatments available out there. I have saved fish using them, but I didn't have any corals or inverts in that tank, so you will have to do some reading to see what you can use safely.

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