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i'm considering getting a lion for my 12 gal flat back hex. at first i planned to get a fuzzy dwarf lion but they aren't active enough for me. any suggestions on a compatible lionfish that wont bore me?

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Originally posted by Clown Fish Man

Seems like a lionfish would get to big for a 12 gallon, but I could be wrong.


You're not wrong. Eventually the 12 gallon will be too small for even the dwarf. If you have a larger tank to eventually put him in, then that would be fine if he starts small. When you stock your tank, think about the maximum size the fish will get and not the size you get them.

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Clown Fish Man

I feel so proud of myself! I answered a persons question for the first time on this forum, and to boot I got it right! Yahoo!

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MMM it would be ok in a 30 they kinda pic a corner and stay there. I have a black volitans in my 90. If you set on a lion you clould get a fu man chu lion fish they only get like 4" if you buy it small and plan on upgrading tanks in t he next year or so.

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Yeah, I got a volitans too in my 125. Man do they get big, and fairly quickly too! They're a cool fish to watch. And I haven't gotten stung yet after 3 years! But mine is sometimes a b$%!h to feed. I'll plop some frozen krill in there and he doesn't know it's food, so sometimes I'll have to shake it around so that he'll finally gulp it. On a rare occasion, a live feeder fish will "find" his way in there, and that's when the lion goes into action. No shaking from me is necessary then...

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They silversdes my lion LOVES them. I soak all my food in dick boyds Vita-chem with some freeeze dried cyclopez powder. They go nuts over it. Makes them grow too. My lion has doubled in the 6 weeks ive been using it.

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Yea i wanted a lion too. But then I read it was a nono. but i found some really cool replacements. Look up leaf fish and frogfish. There in the same family as lions...

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first of all, if you want a lion, get a bigger tank. a 30 would be ok. second, my fuzzy dwarf is always swimming around! she even greets me almost every time i walk into the room.

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