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Firefish Food


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What does everyone feed thier firefish? I only have marine flakes right now and was wondering if I should pick up something else for the lil guy. I just got him yesterday, so he is settling into his new home & I want to make him comfy as possible.:)

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Mine eats Formula 1 flakes and frozen Mysid shrimp every other day... cyclop-eeze every week for the whole tank.

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hey man, how do you like that fire fish. I saw a couple at the LFS and thought...not bad for 20 bucks... hows the tempermant and general requirements? Thanks....

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Fire fish are nice and easy going, I never see mine unless I`m real still and have fed recently. They generally require 2 small portions of food a day and like to hide in the rock work. When you do see this granderous fish it is all worth it.

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Oh yeah forgot to answer the original question, Mine gets aquarian marine flake food. Not the best stuff but that is what my LFS eats and I wanted mine to eat at my house.

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I have mine currently eating Prime Reef by Ocean Nutrition. I just knock some flakes into the water then take a turkey basster and suck them up in it to shoot it past his hide out hole. He will come out and grab them as they go by. He has now became uste to the turkey basster and now associates it with food. Thanx for the replies everyone.

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yeah, I just mix some flake with some red seaweed flake then dump it in. All the fish come out of holes and attack it. even the hermit crab gets ontop of the rock and holds out his arms waiting for food to float by. classic.

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my firefish is always in the open and eats like a pig he likes flake, brine shrimp, cyclop-eeze, occasionally small mysis shrimp and any small critters he can find in the tank.

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Yup my firefish take flake food and brine shrimp........


geez it cost US$20 for a firefish in US, down here it cost S$5 each which works out to abt US$2.80 for a firefish and ard US$5-6 for purple firefish.

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  • 5 weeks later...

mine sells for $30. It's in wisconsin!lol! I think the higher up the states you go the higher the price!


p.s live rock is $9-10 here too!lol!

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I bought mine for regular FF $16 and live rock is $5-$7.50.


Anyway, those firefish do jump too, mine jumped out of the tank :*(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man, I want a firefish so bad, but I'm going topless w/ my tank thanks to the wonders of Metal Halides...... -.- ..... Anyways, if I do someday find a way to get a top on my tank, or I just can't live w/out one anymore, I may get one. (I'm in So. Cal so it's cheap!)

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I just purchased a Firefish too. Cute little fella. Mine was only $10 and i live in California. I feed it what my clown gets fed. Spirulina. I also have frozen brine shrimp but he has'nt had any as of yet. Do they even like brine shrimp?

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  • 2 years later...

my firefish hangs out all over the tank except at night once a day i put a small piece of frozen brine shrimp in and it just gobbles it up i put the FBS in the front of my tank where it has a chance to melt a bit before hiting the returns and what the fire fish doesn't eat the yellow clown gobie does. super easy. i do add some spiralina to the FBS just for extra nutrition.

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fire fish are expensive in canada....

i havent even seen any yet, i would buy it if it was less than 20 bucks


not everywhere, I paid about $15 each for mine. I have 2. They LOVE PE Mysis, this is their primary diet but I also feed formula 1 pellet, brine, cyclopeeze, and uncooked shrimp. They really like the uncooked shrimp a lot too.

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my firefish hangs out all over the tank except at night once a day i put a small piece of frozen brine shrimp in and it just gobbles it up i put the FBS in the front of my tank where it has a chance to melt a bit before hiting the returns and what the fire fish doesn't eat the yellow clown gobie does. super easy. i do add some spiralina to the FBS just for extra nutrition.




Gees - talk about reviving the dead...


Anyway - I hand feed mine, usually Formula 1 pellets and fresh frozen krill and mysis. He seems to enjoy the excessive pod population also.


I paid $28 for my purple firefish - maybe a little expensive, but it was the best fish in the best group of firefish I've ever seen at the LFS.

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  • 1 month later...

I paid $25 each for my 2 fire fish. I bought one the first day. Got it home, put in tank, would not come out. I really wanted to see this fish swimming through the tank with the rest of the fish. Yesterday went and got another, as soon as I put it in the tank the other one seen it and came out quickly to go be with its new friend.


They are very beautiful fish. Also love to be in pairs or groups. I feed fish in the tank once a day with just dry flake, then every other day I feed a tiny peice of mysis. They tore the hell out of the flake yesterday. Will try some mysis today and see how that goes.

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