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New 10 gallon tank


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Hey everyone I put up a site to show my progress with my tank and slowly add knowledge and info to it as I learn to be a step by step tutorial for future reefers who want to start a nano reef.



Here is the link

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My roomate has verbatem what you have on your tank. He grows more coraline algae than anyone else I know too. You should be able to keep any type of mushroom, and star polyp your heart desires. My only suggestion is to get alot of LR and have more water flow.

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My girlfriend has that tank. Her corraline growth is awesome and never got cyano like me. More water flow can happen with the addition of a power head. BTW her stock filter broke. We plan on adding some mushrooms down the line.

Her corralline has just started to grow as the rock was completely white when we got it.



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add a 606 or a 404 power head to add more flow :)


nice tank but that tank is way to small for a host anemone sry to say and your tank has to be set up for at leats a year sorry dood :(

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went to find some CA and KH test and the petsmart had no idea what they were and they didtn have them. I found an old dusty calcium test there but couldnt figture out what a ka test is. Is that a copper test? They got a saltwater test kit should i just get that? My LFS checks water for free. Whats up with the have a tank for a year before i can have an amenomne?

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Got some updates to my tank. Just got another piece of live rock. This one actually has a ton of stuff growing on it so I'm a lot happier with it than my last one. It even looked like it had some live barnacles growing on it. I put that side facind down though so I wont be able to tell what they are, it had a clam type mouth and it was stuck on the rock.



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Got some poop brown algae growing on the live sand. Should I let this be or should it be sucked up with a suction? Tank is still empty other than a snail and 13lbs of live rock

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Got some poop brown algae growing on the live sand. Should I let this be or should it be sucked up with a suction? Tank is still empty other than a snail and 13lbs of live rock
Your choice really... you can leave it and suck it all out when your ready to stock, or you can do it daily
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