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grrrr clownfish


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Surprise!! Found my anemone hosting my female clown today... HUZZAH! But then I fed the tank and she didn't go back to the nem and is sleeping back in the sand....


What a butt! :furious:



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It will go back now that it is interested.


I hope so.. I needed to hear that! ... although I wasn't planning on keeping the BTA in there but I may have to now.

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I have two RBTA's in my Biocube 29 and my clown loves one of them but only at night. during the day she will wander around the tank aimlessly.

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Welp... she is sleeping in the anemone now at night but all alone :( The male hasn't used the nem yet and is still sleeping in his old spot on the other side of the tank... all alone :( Makes me kind of sad. I hope he figures it out.

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Maybe she won't let him...


Nah, I don't think so. Hard to explain but it was like she was trying to lure him to it but he would just sit outside of it looking dumb. lol

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